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Wilbur POV:

They look up at me, I point at schlatts door and put up a finger to make sure he says nothing to tommy.

He nods, I don't know if I can trust them but I fucking hope so, it's my only chance to get away with this.

I go into schlatts room.

Ranboo POV:

I watch as Wilbur closes the door behind him.

Damnit, I'm so gonna get beat for this.

"T-tommy?" Fucking stutter.

"Yeah ran? Are you okay? You only stutter when your nervous or around schlatt."

"I'm f-fine but I have to tell you about w-who just went to hang out with s-schlatt."

"Okay..? What's that have to do with me though?"

"Its W-wilbur."

"Fuck. Are you sure?? Does Wilbur even have a fucking doppelganger or something around here??"

"I know it w-was him, he s-spoke with his m-motions, he's m-mute."

"Fuck, dad's not home ill go tell techno- wait. Is schlatt gonna get mad at you for snitching?"

He really means,'is schlatt gonna beat the shit out of you for doing this?'

"I- I'll be fine, j-just come get w-wilbur."

"No you won't, we'll pick you up too ran, it's fine."

"No. That'll only m-make it worse."

"Damnit ranboo. How can I help you then??"

"Just pick him up, i d-dont ne-need help."

"I highly doubt that." He sighs "ill go tell techno,  be right back, love you"


I hear him shuffle away.

Techno POV:

There's a knock at my door before who I assume is Tommy begins to open it

"Tech?" He sounds worried, at least he's talking to me

"Yeah? Are you okay, heard you threw up."

"Oh yeah, just got overwhelmed, but that doesn't matter right now-"

"Doesn't matter? It's been so long since you-"

"Techno. There are bigger issues right now."


"Ranboo just told me that um..."


"Wilburs hanging out with schlatt."

"Shit! Dad has the keys right now- actually his house isn't far, you stay here I'm gonna go get him." I head to the door


I turn and look at him

"Um- ranboo told me not to- but can you pick up ran too? He's not safe there."

"Ill try, but you do realize it'll probably be worse for him later on, right?"

"Ill figure out a way it won't be, promise."

"I don't think you can-"

"Techno. Just go."

I nod then go to head to schlatts.

I don't walk there, I run, I'm there within three minutes.

As I walk up to the door, I pause involuntarily.

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