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Wilbur POV:

Tommy checked up on me like 2 hours ago before he went to sleep, now it's 1 am.

I text schlatt before heading out

I'm omw

I put away my phone before silently pulling up the window, schlatt was right, there's no screen on it.

I looked down, he was also right about there being a fire safety ladder.

I climbed down the ladder and headed over to his house, I already knew how to get to his address because I'd seen where we dropped off ranboo and because we passed it on the way to school.

Give or take ten minutes, Im there.

My phone buzzes,

My windows the one on the left of the house, just knock on it.

I walk around the house to knock on the left window

I watch as he pulls up the blinds, before opening the actual window.

I notice his dark, bloodshot eyes, and how when he sees me he gets a slight smile, not a 'good to see you smile' more like an evil smile, like a,'i could murder you right now but it's all up to you' smile.

Once the actual window is open he motions for me to come in, once im in he begins to talk, his rooms cleaner than I thought, theres just a stench of weed and alcohol.

"Sit wherever, then I'll give you shit"

What are you gonna give me first.

I don't wanna just be handed something unprepared, I mean, I'll be unprepared anyways but I'd atleast like to know what it is.

"Depends, you want weed or alcohol first?"


I mean, if I'm gonna break the law anyways id prefer to do it a little less, drinking and smoking underage is already illegal, but I'd prefer to drink underage than smoke, because weed is illegal of age or not, unless it's prescribed to you.

"Fine, but after that you gotta smoke some, more fun."

He hands me a water bottle, but it's obviously not water in there.

What is this?

"Try and find out."

I sigh quietly, and take a sip, obviously too much though.

It burns like hell and the second I swallow it I start to cough.

Jschlatt starts laughing like a maniac

What the fuck was that!?

"Vodka man- oh my god you should have seen your face-" he continues laughing



I smile, watching him laugh.

10 minutes later he hands me what looks like a vape, he swears it has weed in it though.

After about 5 minutes, I take a hit of it, coughing, yep. That definitely tastes like what weed smells like.

We laugh about how I coughed for a minute, then after a few more hits, I start to feel it, and I'm getting good at not coughing.

I know I hate this stuff, but it's kinda fun, I feel so much better than usual and honestly Im having fun.

What's so bad about schlatt anyways?

After 2 hours I realize I have school tomorrow and I leave, telling him I'll come back sometime soon.

I sneak back in the window and make sure there's no way to tell anything Ive been doing.

I smell my sweater, quickly noticing it smells like weed, and I take it off and shove it under my bed so I can wash it by myself.

I smell my breath, there's a lingering smell of weed and a small bit of alcohol, I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I look in the mirror as I put the toothpaste on my toothbrush

My eyes are bloodshot and half lidded, my hairs fucked up, and I can see blood residue on my arms.

Honestly, I look like shit.

Atleast I had fun.

I comb through my hair once I'm done brushing my teeth, and I wash the blood from my cuts, I could have done it earlier but I didn't want tommy to snoop so all I did was sit there for a minute so it would seem like I cleaned them.

I splash some water on my face and find some eye drops in the cabinet to make my eyes less red, then I go back to my room, not caring enough to cover my arms.

I put my phone on the charger before crawling into bed and falling asleep.

Phil POV:

I get up around 4 am and groan, knowing I won't be able to go back to sleep.

I get up and just throw on a hoodie, I walk out of my room and downstairs to start the coffee maker, finding techno already down there, already making coffee.


He turns around confused

"Oh. Hey."

"You gotta start actually going to sleep though, I know you haven't slept tonight. What's keeping you up?"

"Nothing in particular."

"Just try to go to sleep okay? You have a school in a few hours."

".. fine."

"Night techno"


He walks up the stairs.

Once the coffees done I get a cup of it and put it on the counter.

I walk upstairs to check on tommy and Wilbur, and see if technos fallen asleep yet.

I look in wilburs room first he's completely passed out and curled into a ball under his blankets.

I go to Tommy's and look in, he's sleeping normally, then I look at techno and hes already asleep.

I walk back downstairs and check the freezer to see if we have anything we could quickly make for breakfast, so it's not cold by the time they wake up.

Score! Eggos waffles.

I pull the toaster out and put the butter and syrup on the counter for when they wake up.

I then turn on the coffee maker so techno can have some when he gets up and I sit down at the table to drink my coffee

After only a few sips of my coffee, I fall asleep at the table, still exhausted, I don't normally fall asleep after I wake up, once I'm up I'm up, this is new.


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