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Wilbur POV:

Okay, third day of school. Well, actually the second for me since we missed the actual second day.

I get out of the car with techno, waving bye to Phil, Tommy didn't go today since the hospital made sure Phil put him in therapy and today is his first appointment. And technos not gonna be in the hallways or anything because he got a week of ISS(in school suspension) somehow schlatt didn't get any days of ISS, but that's whatever

I walk to first period, sitting by Fundy and Niki.

I note that fundy has a good amount of bandaids on and bruises everywhere. Is that what I looked like at school everyday in other homes? Ouch.

"Hey Wilbur!" He says.

I wave with a smile and write

Sorry I got you hurt :( are you okay?

"Oh yeah- it's fine I just wanted to try and beat the shit outta schlatt again don't worry, it's my fault."

"Yeah you really need to stop pulling that shit Fundy. He's gonna kill you one day."

"He probably would have if techno didn't arrive, "he jokes, Niki hits him jokingly as to say 'not funny, "he's never helped me before. It was fucking hilarious. I don't even know why he did."

I begin to write

He said it was just because you're friends with me but I think it's because he wanted to beat up schlatt

"It probably was because he wanted to beat up schlatt, but why would he say it's because Fundy's friends with you...?"
Niki replies. Oh right, they don't know who my foster family is yet.

Technos my foster brother

"Oh right! I forgot Phil was with you when I saw you at work. That makes sense."

"Wait- your brother is THE technoblade??" Fundy looks shocked

Well he's not actually my brother.

"Still- the technoblade?"

Is he like popular or something?

"Not particularly- but he's the strongest person in school. Schlatts second, then dream, the list goes on."

I nod and Mr. Nivison walks in.

"Good morning class! Let me take roll quickly then I'll hand out our work for today, don't worry I'll basically give you the answers."

He takes roll then puts papers on each of our desks, then puts the answer sheet ON THE WHITEBOARD. WHO IS THIS GUY WHAT THE FUCK?? LIKE THANK YOU BUT WHAT?

A/N: my bad but I'm gonna make Ted the most unhinged teacher ever 😍

I write down the answers and have some small talk with Niki and Fundy before theres a knock at the door, looking through the window it's schlatt.

Mr. Nivison opens the door

"Oh. Schlatt. Come in. Here's the worksheet, answers are on the board."

Schlatt takes it and sits down, at our table, of course.

"Fuck off schlatt." Niki says

"Shut up. I beat up your fucking faggot of a friend, nothing's stopping me from going after you."

"Awe, did techno not already get it in your head not to fuck with people anymore?"

"Shut the fuck up! Tech would be nothing without me and you all know it!"

Tech? I've never seen people who aren't his friends call him tech, old habits die hard I guess? What's the deal with them anyways?

"Oh techno was already strong as hell before you, for the time he could have still beat you up if you hadn't of done all that shit to make him think you guys were fucking friends." Niki retaliates

"We were friends. But let's not talk about that fucking asshole should we? We don't wanna get hurt do we? How about you Wilbur, the little assholes your brother now right?"

I nod, trying to keep a cold glare, as if I was ever good at that.

"Awe, cat got your tounge?"

"Fuck off schlatt, leave him alone." Fundy says

"Don't fuck with me again you little shit"

Fundy seems to sink at this, I don't think he would have if he wasn't hurt, but he is so it doesn't matter anyways.

Simple empty threats get thrown the whole class, but mid class he slides me a peice of paper under the table, I wouldn't take it normally but honestly Im pretty scared of him, so I take it.

Meet me in the restrooms after class. I need to tell you shit away from these freak friends of yours.

The bell rings and I leave to the restroom, terrified of what could happen if I didn't.

Schlatt meets me right as the bells about to ring, I'll be late. Damnit.

"Now, why the fuck did you get techno to fight me just over your friend you met that day? What? Are you and that faggot fucking on the side or something?"

I start to write

"Oh my fucking- use your words you freak- just like my fucking brother..."

I put up my notepad just as the bells rings

Look, I didn't "send" techno after you. Maybe he just wanted an excuse to fight you or something. Also I'm not "fucking fundy" . Sorry techno fought you but I'm not involved in it. Can I go to class now?

He scoffs

He looks at me right in the eyes

"Look, I can't actually do anything to you fight wise because techno will genuinely murder me. But I guess I need a new smoke buddy, got a way to sneak out?"

Wait what?

"Got. A. Way. To. Sneak. Out? Look, if I can't just beat the shit outta you might as well use you, and I fuckin hate being high alone, boring and sad. So, if your rooms anything like technos I'd bet your window doesn't have a screen and there's a fire safety ladder, so, give me your phone and I'll put my contact in there, unless you want me to just sneak in through your fuckin window at the fuckin dead of night?"

I hand him my phone, I honestly don't want him in my fuckin house let alone my room.

He puts in his number and writes his own name


why did you just put j?

"My names jschlatt, don't want techno, Phil or anyone seeing your texting me, schlatts not exactly a normal name is it?"

I shake my head

Well fuck. Now fucking jschlatt has my number and I'm supposed to go smoke with him, I fuckin hate weed, drugs, alcohol, all that shit.


A/n: Wilbur angst arc incoming 😛


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