Chapter Twelve

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"My lady, it's time to wake up." Someone whispered in my ear as they shook me.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Sylvia standing in front of me a slight smile on her face. I closed my eyes and stretched my body out under the sheets with a groan and then a yawn bringing tears to my eyes. "Good morning." I murmured to the woman whose smile had widened as she watched me. I wiped my eyes as I yawned again and sat up. The images of the previous night had me frozen for a second before warmth filled me. Beatrice's scent came to my nose and had me wanting to see her and feel her right now. Sadly though, I was the idiot who said to wait and get to know each other. I don't even know how to get to know someone else! Let alone a something-hundred year old nightwalker with the beauty of a goddess and is the sister to the person I have pledged my life to.

"Good morning, I'm sorry I had to wake you even though you looked so peaceful." Sylvia apologised as she let me stand up and stretch my body again, my thoughts still reeling with last night's events.

"It's alright, I guess it was going to have to happen sometime." I smiled at her only to see her frowning and looking at my neck. "What?" I asked as I placed my fingers to my neck.

"There's a bruise, where'd it come from?" Sylvia asked stepping forward and touching my neck lightly.

"Let's just say that lady Beatrice's and my experiment yesterday didn't come without consequences." I sighed realising the bruise would have formed when Beatrice had bitten me and didn't seal it letting the blood flow under my skin. Though, I'd let her do it again if it gets me as close as we were last night.

"What were you trying to do yesterday?" Sylvia asked not stepping away from me as her fingers continued to flutter over my skin a hard look on her face and something I couldn't read in her eyes.

"I'm teaching her how to use pure mana." I answered and stepped away from her turning to go into my wardrobe. "But if my lady wants to use pure mana, like a said to you yesterday, she has to accept its power and will inside of her. Let it flow in and out of her when it wants to, but she's so closed off to the world that that can't happen straight away. She first needs to accept what she is and learn how to deal with it. She needs to expand all her senses to their limits and above to be able to feel the mana around her then accept it into her while letting the mana she holds within herself go."

"That sounds complicated and I have no idea how you do it." Sylvia sighed watching me as I changed into a set of my work out gear, which was becoming my preferred clothing.

I pulled my hair up to a high tail and smiled at the woman. "You'd be able to do it. You have a nice flow of mana in and around you. Like my lady, you have to expand your senses and accept the flow into you."

"And how would I even start doing that? I don't have super senses like you Nightwalkers." She scoffed at me.

I thought about it. "You don't need super senses like us. Humans have senses too. A­ll you have to do is take notice of everything around you. And as to where to start even trying... I was asleep for a whole month, which means I was lying still for the whole time. So I guess if you sit somewhere with a large amount of healthy mana around you and just listen, feel, taste and smell everything that is around you, you'd be able to feel the mana then accept it."

"I'm not sitting down for a whole month, I'd die of starvation." Sylvia stated as I walked to the window and opened it allowing the morning sun and cool air to flow into the room. I breathed in the freshness of it all smiling.

"That's why you do it in small stretches at a time." I turned to her and headed to the door. "Thank you Sylvia."

"For what?" She asked looking totally confused.

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