Chapter Eighteen

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"Pet." My Mistress stated and this time I was able to look at her. I felt guilty and it became worse when I saw her unimpressed expression. "What happened?"

"I saw the girl again." I told her and frowned as I thought of what she had told me. "She said that I was fighting it. Fighting the mana that wanted to use me. She said I was being a container when I was meant to be a conductor."

"Beatrice told me what happened when your first came here to this garden. Was it the same girl?" My Mistress asked no longer looking unimpressed with me, which I was thankful for.

"Yes Mistress. She said that I was a being of mana, that it is me and I am it." I answered her.

My Mistress was silent for a little before she spoke up again. "What do you do when you say a spell?"

"Well I no longer have to actually speak a spell, but I usually pull in the mana from around me then release it when I know what I want it to do." I answer.

"Yes, that's what you would normally have to do and it does sound like you're trapping the mana inside you when you don't exactly have to." My Mistress said sounding like she was thinking out loud. "Why don't you try preforming a spell without pulling in any mana but use the mana that is already around you?"

I frowned slightly in thought wondering if that would actually work or not. "Yes Mistress." I reply anyway.

I breathe in and think of a spell. I had to force myself to not reach out and pull in mana but soon enough I felt the mana that around me start to move and was ready to do as I wish. As I breathed out the pain I was feeling in my chest and head was released and the crazy hunger I was feeling went away. All around us the air became cold and small butterflies made of ice were formed with just a thought from me. They started fluttering around with yet another thought. There were about twenty of them.

I didn't feel drained after creating such a large amount of butterflies, I felt like I never did a spell at all. I stood up then and felt completely rejuvenated. I felt the mana around me fill me but this time it didn't hurt and feel as heavy and weighted as before. It just felt like I was breathing in normal air.

"Well that's something." I heard my Mistress murmur and I looked at her to see her looking back at me, though she was looking at the side of my neck.

Confused I lifted my hand to my neck and felt the familiar jagged skin of a scar. Confused and without being aware of thinking it, a mirror appeared in front of me and I was able to see that an old scar I use to have when I was human had reappeared. It was hand-width in length and partially covered my neck and shoulder. It was the scar that I had received the night my parents died. It had disappeared when I was changed into a nightwalker.

Just above the scar on my neck, just under my jaw, a birthmark I never had marred my skin in the shape of a crescent moon. I looked over my body after these revelations but saw that no other scars from my past had come back and there were no other strange markings either. I wonder why that scar came back and that birthmark appeared...

I didn't move when my Mistress lifted a hand and touched the scar and mark with soft fingers. "How did you get this scar?" She finally asked.

"I don't necessarily remember, but I know that I got it when my parents died when I was younger and that's why I was on the streets in the first place." I answered her.

"I wonder why it came back..." She murmured to herself eyes narrowed on my neck making me feel nervous. "I can barely feel your presence. If we weren't connected as we are I wouldn't be able to feel you at all. You're just like the air around us."

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