Chapter Forty-Nine

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Haha, I'm glad you all liked the surprise ^o^

To say I was amazed at Sylvia's power would be an understatement, because for a human... she was utterly terrifying. Her two blades sliced through meat and bone like it was nothing while her face held only the utmost focus in destroying all that was in front of her. She was stunning, though the black blood she was covered in made her look like the worst kind of devil. I don't understand how I had beaten and killed this monster, she could have run me through three times over without even trying.

It made me mad, because it meant she died for no reason. I killed her for no reason. How stupid.

My sword sliced through an orcs neck while my knife held back an axe from taking off my head. I pushed the attacking orc away while at the same time kicking it in the chest with a heavy boot sending him backwards into the surrounding orcs. It was like there was a never ending amount of them coming into the camp. If it wasn't for Sylvia, Narga -the spirit cat whose name came to mind when I called him- and myself, I think the camp would no longer be standing.

Narga though was even more vicious. He tore through orcs with his teeth and claws, shredding meat off bone with a single swipe. He roared every now and then, making the ground shake from the power of it. His white and black fur was drenched completely in black, which left only his piercing blue iris' that glowed in the dark of the night, becoming a true demon only after flesh and blood.

I spun underneath the arms of an attacking orc easily getting behind it and plunging my sword through its back, slicing its heart. It was nothing but dodge, block and kill for I have no idea how long, but it didn't seem like the orcs were ever going to end. They just kept coming and coming, it was hard to keep up. I was exhausted because I used so much mana and was moving so much. Every now and then I'd become dizzy and my vision would go black for a second but I'd quickly regain myself and continue fighting. But my strength was fading faster each time.

I was back to back with Sylvia while Narga was surrounded in a different section on his own but I knew he'd be fine.

"Where are they all coming from?" I huffed out panting with each breath.

"I have no idea but are you alright?" Sylvia replied sounding worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just really... tired..." An orc stepped forward while swinging his sword forward in a stab motion. It was such a simple move I could have easily blocked or evaded it, but as I raised my sword to hit the incoming attack away, that's not what happened.

A wave of dizziness made me stumble and my vision cloud to black. My ears started to ring and I felt pain spread through my stomach. The dizziness faded, my vision cleared and I could hear Sylvia shouting something. I looked down my body to see why I was hurting but the orcs ugly face was so close I could barely look past it.

My legs collapsed from under me sending me to the ground and finally able to see the sword that was skewered through my torso. I pulled it out of me and dropped it to the ground beside me before pressing my hands to the fast bleeding wound.

Huh, why does this seem so familiar?

My vision clouded and the familiar grubby stone walls and the stink of human waste crowded me back into a memory. The memory of the night I was beaten, stabbed and raped by three men before I was saved by lady Aviva and my life changed forever. I wonder if I'll get saved this time too... I don't think so.

Eyes clearing again from the memory I looked up at the bright starry sky my body going numb even though I could already feel the recently healed skin beneath my hands. I was healed, why couldn't I get back up? An orc stood over me blocking my vision of the sky. Why wasn't he finishing me off? Why was he just standing there? I couldn't move my head but my eyes could and I was confused because Sylvia and Narga were gone and the orcs have stopped attacking the camp.

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