Chapter Forty-Eight

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I was amazed by the respect I was given after the display of my ability to control pure mana. Candy even stopped with her harsh comments, though I could still feel her dislike for me and Beatrice. There have been two other attacks over the river since we've been here, which has only been two days, and I took out each group on my own with mana. But I felt it, they were getting smarter and more cautious.

Each group had more mana users than the last one and soon I knew they'll figure out that someone on our side could also use mana in a destructive way as well. We've had no word from Ashwini either about having found anything about their camp, so we stayed waiting for anything from them.

Over those two days, we've had more injured fairies come into the camp from other camps along the front line when they heard about Georgia and two Nightwalkers being there. Slowly fairies started to heal and a few were even able to start fighting again so they went off to replace the injured from other camps.

But right now I was standing at the ridge looking over the river when I felt something strange begin to happen. All the mana around me started to flee while a sick and vile feeling overcame me all of the sudden. It was heavy and I felt my skin crawl like a thick goo was sliding against my skin.

Beatrice! Hurry to the river something's happening and I can't use mana! I called for her down the bond and I felt her sudden panic.

We're on our way! Was her quick response.

A thud made the ground shake before a pain spread through my side when I was suddenly hit by something. I cried out as I hit a tree and crumbled to the ground. How did they get behind me without getting noticed? I thought as I quickly got up holding my side. I looked at what had hit me only to find a giant of an orc with a hammer the size of a tree in its large fists. No wonder the hit hurt so much, but how the hell did he get behind me?

He roared at me then, spittle flying out from his ghastly mouth with yellowed teeth and rotting tusks. I jumped to the side dodging a swing from that massive creature while pulling out my sword and rhoa az from their sheaths getting ready to attack.

I gasped in shock as I was hit from behind. I rolled along the ground and turned to find five smaller orcs had come up from behind me. How is this happening? They not only stink, they're clumsy as and always have heavy foot steps. How could I not have heard them?

Dodge to the right. A familiar voice echoed through my head but it wasn't Beatrice's. Not questioning the order or who spoke I did as told.

I jumped to the right just in time to not be squished by the giants hammer. I gasped in surprise at it. Don't just stand there! They're coming! The voice once again echoed in my mind shaking me from my surprise. I bent backwards dodging a swing from a rusting axe that came from one of the smaller orcs. I blocked the next downward swing with my sword before slicing though its thick forearms with my rhoa az just as I spun around to face all who were attacking me.

They're big and slow, you're smaller and faster. Use your speed and strength. Take out their legs. The voice ordered and she hasn't been wrong yet so I did as told.

Setting my sight on one of the orcs I ran at it and within seconds I was in front of it. Duck! I squatted down and spun to avoid a large iron sword that came down from an orc behind me. Using my sword, I slit the legs of the orc in front of me toppling it to the ground while I rolled over the ground to once again dodge the sword wielder.

Incoming! Above! The voice once again warned. I jumped back in a flip just in time to avoid the giants massive hammer from squishing me. Your left! Slide between its legs. In a rush I ran at the approaching orc I was warned about and slid under it as told to, taking out it's legs with my blades as I went.

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