Chapter Fifty-Nine

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Hey hey! Sorry for the late update but I've been hella busy like you wouldn't believe!!

Anyway I'm dedicating this chapter to JessicafromFlorida because it's her BIRTHDAY!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY YA OLDIE!!!!

Haha, I hope you had an awesome day, or still are, who knows with the time zones and whatnot >.<~*, and you got/get everything you wanted!

So here you are birthday girl!


"What's wrong Aviva?" Beatrice asked, the only one willing to approaching her sister as she was.

"This." Lady Aviva seethed angrily while slamming the letter she held onto the table before starting to pace angrily.

I watched carefully as Beatrice picked up the letter and read through it, with each line her face darkened and I felt her anger and frustration through how bond. "What is it?" I asked softly.

"It's a summons." Beatrice bit out.

"From who?" Mercy wondered with a frown.

"Enrique." My blood ran cold and I felt anger and fear course through me. I knew he'd be coming sooner or later but to think he would try to summon us like nothing was wrong, really made me angry.

"How can he just send us a letter and expect us to go to him like loyal little puppies? That's ridiculous. Like hell we're going." I spat out through clenched teeth.

"We don't have a choice." Lady Aviva sighed stopping her pacing.

"What do you mean we don't have a choice?" I asked in disbelief.

"It's orders from the Master coming through Enrique. We can't deny the Master or every Nightwalker not loyal to me will be coming for our heads." Lady Aviva explained. "We have to go to Enrique's castle and then down to the under realm. I don't know why, but the Master wants to see us in person."

"We have to go back to his castle?" I asked completely distraught. I can still barely sleep from nightmares of what he's done to me and now I have to go to him?

"You'll be fine Vaden. He can't touch you." Beatrice tried to assure me by pulling me into a hug and sending her love down our bond.

I couldn't say anything. I was angry and upset, but, ashamedly, I was more scared than anything. What will happen when I see him again? Will I fall back under his thumb again? Am I still weak even after all these years? Will I once again become a monster I can't control?

"I'm so sorry Vaden, but you have no choice but to come. The portal to the under realm is in Enrique's castle." Lady Aviva sighed sadly.

I swallowed the sudden lump in my throat, trying to clear away my fear along with it. "It's fine... when do we have to leave?"

"A week from now. It allows me to get our affairs in order and to make sure nothing happens while we're gone." Lady Aviva answered. "When Athena wakes up, Galen will train her while she's staying here to look after the estate and business. Mercy, you and Ashwini will be in charge along with Galen, Lucas and Hawk in taking care of the territory. Eliza, Jonah, you two will look after the estate. I'll give more detailed orders over the week while we prepare to leave."

"Yes my lady." They all agreed.

"I suggest we get things sorted immediately." Lady Aviva nodded her head before heading out of the dining room but not before, surprising me, placing a comforting hand onto my arm for a second.

"Vaden?" Beatrice asked obviously worried.

"I'm fine... I'm.. I'm going to go check on Athena." I mumbled, quickly leaving her embrace and walking back to Athena's room.

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