Chapter Forty-Two

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We walked into a large room that had the back wall and part of the two other walls beside it made of windows showing the expansive forested land around us. In the middle of the room was a large table and I was amazed by the sight of the intricate carvings that literally came out of the table in a physical representation of the fairy realm.

What saddened me though was that, though most of the table and the trees that are on the table which glow a bright green, a large amount that is easily over a quarter of the table was a dark, dead blackish purple. I could obviously tell that's where the orcs have successfully taken over.

"Oh my god!" Georgia exclaimed a hand quickly covering her mouth as she walked to the deadened part of the table looking horrified.

The king sighed. "It's gotten worse since I came in last night."

"They're taking over incredibly fast." Ashwini murmured walking to stand beside Georgia looking down at the table where it was the blackest, the trees that were there now no longer. "Is this where the gate is? Where they started their attack?" She asked looking up at the king.

"Yes." He answered bluntly with a nod.

Ashwini closed her eyes a hand hovering over the black patch. "Vekhat athihar (present vision)" She muttered lowly and I felt a surge in her mana. Mana started to spill from her down turned palm before spilling out into a round white plate that encompassed the darkest part of the table.

"Look." Ashwini told us while opening her eyes her hand still outstretched. We gathered around the table and I'm pretty sure everyone gasped at what they saw. Inside the thin plate of white mana, was the horrifying sight of a land of death covered in tents made out of animal skins and bones while grotesque humanoid beings walked around large fires that peppered the black land.

"They're killing everything..." Beatrice murmured pain clear in her voice. I stepped closer to her an urge to protect making both parts of my soul work together. I felt like growling in a protective warning but swallowed it knowing that it wasn't necessary because we were surrounded by friends.

"We have to stop this as soon as possible." Georgia stated her hands dropping from her mouth to grip at the table causing indents to appear on the edge of the wood.

The king placed a hand on her shoulder in a calming manner. "We will butterfly, we will."

"Do you have a plan?" Ashwini asked dropping her hand but keeping the vison plate up showing the orcs encampment.

"Can you show us the gate?" The king asked. Ashwini nodded and made a pulling motion with her right hand.

The image in the plate changed to show an opening in a cove connected to one of the few mountains in this realm. The opening of the cave was incredibly dark, darker than should be natural especially when there were fires on each side of the opening that would have lit up the inside of the cave at least even a bit. But no the cave was insistently black.

I leant forward in disbelief when the black cave opening shimmered like liquid before a large grey skinned orc with large tusks coming out of its bottom lip stepped through out of the blackness.

"That's the gate." The king answered the quiet question. "To stop this invasion we must destroy that cave."

"But it's right in the middle of the orcs camp." Georgia frowned.

"I know..." The king sighed. "It's a suicide mission but we have to get into that camp to even get close to it.

"Can't you just attack from the air?" I asked my arm wrapping around Beatrice as an instinct. I felt calmer knowing that she was beside me, knowing that I could protect her if anything were to happen. My beast soul growled happily in my mind echoing the contented feeling I had when Beatrice moved into me, accepting my arm around her.

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