Chapter Forty-Five

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Warning! Sexual Content!

It was warm and soft and comfortable... so comfortable.

I breathed in slowly just taking in the wonderful scent that filled my nose. Slowly my mind woke up which allowed my other senses to stretch out and realise that someone, warm, soft and naked was wrapped around me like a vine. I breathed out softly and became amazed at myself when I let out an actual purr as I felt that someone languidly tracing patterns over my naked stomach. Circling, zigzagging, random shapes, petting her whole palm over my side like she was erasing her invisible drawings.

"You're actually purring." Beatrice giggled her head resting on my chest just over my right breast.

"I can't help it. I feel so at peace right now." I sighed before yawning making Beatrice giggle again.

I opened my eyes when I felt her move, frowning at the missing warmth against my side. I looked up at find my silver eyed beauty hovering over me with a soft smile. "Good morning." She breathed.

I smiled back. "It is indeed." I agreed before curling a hand around the base of her neck underneath her soft hair to pull her down. Our lips touched, softly, slowly, beautifully. I sighed when she broke it. My thumb stroked against the soft skin of her neck as I stared up at her. I found that my body slightly throbbed from both an unusual aching and the last bit of pleasure from the previous night.

I was amazed at the memories that flooded my mind. After that first amazing release I went crazy. Seriously, from the memories replaying through my mind's eye no wonder I ache and can still feel left over pleasure, we didn't stop until we literally passed out.

I gasped softly and quickly sat up pushing Beatrice onto her back and looking over her body. Heat rose up in me at the sight but I quickly pushed that away to make sure she wasn't hurt.

"Vaden I'm fine." Beatrice giggled but I continued to frown while I looked her over. The slightest bruises I made with my fingers still marked the inside of her thighs and when I tilted Beatrice's head to the left I found a bite mark on her neck just over her vein.

I touched them softly with the tip of my fingers and felt her shiver beneath me. "Do they hurt?" I asked quietly feeling guilty and impossibly angry at myself, promising silently that I'll gut myself if I had hurt her.

"No. Vaden listen to me." Beatrice stated grabbing my hand with both of hers and tilted her head until I could no longer see the bite mark, only her silver-blue eyes I love. "You didn't hurt me. I'm not in pain and everything you did to me last night I loved, wanted and needed. Last night was incredibly special and you should be able to feel how satisfied I am right now."

I sighed softly because she was right that I can feel her content emotions, but that doesn't stop my protective nature from worrying about her. "Okay." I gave in with another sigh, but it made Beatrice smile so I don't mind.

Lifting her arms she wrapped them around me pulling me down and onto her. I kissed her shoulder while I lay diagonally across her. I moved my kisses across her shoulder to her neck where the bite mark was. I felt my body stir and my fangs lengthen remembering the euphoric taste of her blood.

I nipped lightly over the mark and smiled satisfyingly when I felt her rise up against me with her hands running up and down my back in a scratching manner.

"Bite me." Beatrice whispered in my ear making shivers run down my spine. I forgot how sensitive my ears were. "Oh..." I heard her whisper like she just discovered something interesting.

I couldn't stop my claws from slipping out and into the bed when soft lips and teasing teeth nibbled at my ear. I closed my eyes in bliss at the feeling and felt my body turn into mush over her.

NightwalkerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora