Chapter Thirty-One

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"Alpha." Anon greeted when I rode Ruddy into the camp. He stood up from where he was sitting against a tree keeping a look out in his section of the camp.

"Anon, I'm sorry for leaving like I did." I apologised as I slid from Ruddy's back only to have Anon pull me into him and surprising me.

"It's okay, I understand why you had to be alone. I was just worried. You might want to speak to the pup though. She's been sulking all day." Anon pulled away with a smile.

"Oh dear... is she okay?" I asked worriedly. "Where is she?"

"She was upset and worried when she woke up without you beside her but right now she's sleeping off a full stomach. The other servants have been looking after her and made her eat a bit too much than what she could handle."

I sighed in relief at that. I'm glad she's being looked after since I wasn't here to do it. "Where is she now?" I asked softly still feeling bad for leaving her alone with people she doesn't really know.

"She's sleeping in one of the servant's tents, the servants name is Sian. She's a girl around about Athena's age so I thought it was appropriate for the two of them to get to know each other." Anon answered as he started petting Ruddy's neck. "I'll go take this guy to Hawk if you want to go and find her."

I nodded my head in agreement. "Okay, I'll do that."

It was pretty easy to find Athena. I was able to both scent her and find her personal mana signature among everyone else in the camp. It was a small tent closer to the middle of the camp for both safety and warmth. I could hear and scent another girl in the tent and I assumed that that was the girl Anon called Sian. I quietly slid open the tents flap and looked inside to see the girls huddled up among piles of blankets and pillows.

I smiled at the sight of Athena curled up in a warm ball looking all comfortable. I started to feel bad for being about to wake her up, bad enough that I was thinking of just waiting to speak to her in the morning. I was about to leave when I saw her move around before her head popped up from underneath the blankets showing her stunning grey eyes.

I heard her gasp before she scrambled from her warmth to fling herself at me, wrapping her arms around me in a bone crushing hug.  She pushed her face into my chest while I pulled her further into me, loving the feel of being hugged by her.

"I'm sorry Athena. I didn't mean to leave you like that." I apologised to her as I tightened the hug just a bit.

"It's okay. Anon explained to me that you needed time to think about what Master said to you." Athena said as she looked up at me by placing her chin onto my chest.

I smiled softly at her in thanks while also mentally thanking Anon. But then I frowned at her. "No. You no longer have to call him Master. He's nothing to either of us now, just a bad part of our past we are leaving behind at that ugly castle."

A bright smile swept across Athena's face as her grey eyes sparkled. "Okay!" She agreed happily.

"Good, now I want you to go back to sleep. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow." I placed a kiss to her forehead. "I also heard that you need to sleep off some of that food you ate during the day."

"Yeah, I ate so much because I've never been offered so much before." Athena blushed lightly.

I chuckled at that knowing exactly how she was feeling. "Yeah, I know how that is. So go get some sleep and we can talk in the morning."

"Okay. Goodnight." Athena gave me one last squeeze before letting go and crawling back into the tent. I didn't leave until she was once again fast asleep. I then decided that I should go and see Mistress since I left without permission.

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