Chapter Thirty-Eight

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We were outside again and it made me sigh in relief when the yucky heavy feeling of the dark mana was being forced out of me by the pure mana that roams the day time world. It felt nice, refreshing, calming.

"Are you okay now Vaden?" Lady Beatrice asked softly beside me as we walked.

"I feel much better, yes." I smiled at her happily once the beast part of my soul finally settled back down and the dark mana fully left my system.

"I'm glad, I truthfully wouldn't know what to have done if you went into a blood haze." She confessed looking concerned. I looked at her to see her frowning at the ground while her hands played nervously together in front of her.

I stopped walking and she went a few steps ahead of me before realising that I've stopped. She turned around and looked up at me, still with her concerned frown. I stepped up to her and placed my hand to her cheek.

"You shouldn't be frowning." I told her seriously as I looked into her stunning eyes I could get lost in just to see the different types of silver and slight blue tinge I could find in them. "Good." I praised in a barely there voice as her face smoothed out and I smiled at the feeling of warmth coming to her cheeks. I could also hear her heart beat quicken, which made me glad that mine wasn't the only one being effected by our proximity.

"Thank you." She whispered surprising me.

"What for?"

"For helping Mercy. I wouldn't have been able to do it if it wasn't for you. You always make it so easy to help people and I slightly envy that, but I know it's a part of you. It's just how you are. I... and I really like that about you."

My breathing stopped at her confession and the way she closed her eyes then turned her face to press more into my hand. I swallowed nervously when I felt her hands grip onto the hem of my shirt and started to twist it. I could feel her nervousness in the mana surrounding us but I could also feel the contentedness that we were both feeling with being so close.

"You would have found a way to have helped her, my lady." I assured her.

"I wouldn't have even asked to change her if it wasn't for you in the first place though, Vaden." She replied opening her eyes but keeping her face to my hand, which I'm not complaining about, her skin was so smooth. It made me want to find out if she was just as smooth all over and then pet her till she purred, even if she wasn't.

"My lady..." I whispered softly feeling like if I spoke any louder I would break this strange, but warm, intimacy. "Are you happy?"

I knew my question surprised her by the slightest widening of her eyes but a smile quickly pushed my worry away. "It's strange, before I was only just content with my existence. I worked with my sister to keep our territory at peace and I could study mana and spells as much as I wanted, but in the back of my head the reminder of what I was, what I could do, what I've done, made everything so much harder to do. Even the simplest of things felt weighed down with the regret that followed me around constantly. But then you came along."

I could barely breathe and it was made worse, or better, when my lady stepped closer to me until our noses nearly brushed and I felt her hands, no longer playing with my shirt, now spread out over my stomach, underneath my vest, become trapped between us.

"You came along and somehow got me to tell you my fears that I haven't even told to Aviva or Mercy. Then you offered to help me, which I admit I wasn't expecting, and even after I brushed you off, pushed you away because I gained a new fear. I was, still am, afraid that I'm going to hurt you. You still want to help me, and as selfish as I feel saying this, I want you to help me. I want you to take my fears away. I want you... I..."

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