Chapter Thirty-Six

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I walked up the path towards the gardens wondering about what lady Beatrice wants to speak to me about. I have a feeling that it's pretty serious and I couldn't help but think of the time in her room before she said that everything that happened was an accident, a mistake.

I winced and rubbed my chest at that memory. I felt so sad when she told me that it wasn't meant to happen, I felt a wound appear deep inside me at her words. All I want to do is to help her. I still remember all her fears and I still want to help her with all of them while at the same time as helping her use pure mana like I can.

And then their's a fool hardy thought that is making a spark of hope appear inside me that she'd realised that we had a connection. A connection much like Anon and I but an a much deeper level that we could share and feel everything about one another.

I felt it whenever we're in the same room, in the same proximity. There's an attraction between us that both scares me while making me want to do everything in my power to bring us together in the way I know we're meant to be. But once again, I'm afraid and it hurts when I think about this attraction, because I know it's how Sylvia felt whenever she was around me... and yet I never realised it.

I sighed softly at my thoughts, not sure if they were making me depressed or hopeful.

"Vaden." A soft voice spoke gaining my attention away from my thoughts. I looked up and my breath hitched in my throat. There was a light breeze making its way through the trees of the garden. It felt amazing against my skin but made lady Beatrice look stunning where it was playing with her hair. Picking it up and running its invisible fingers through the soft strands. I was embarrassed by the jealousy I suddenly felt against the wind, or was it envy? Either way, I wanted to touch the fine strands that floated around and framed lady Beatrice's ethereal features making it even harder for me to believe she belonged on this realm.

"Lady Beatrice." I breathed back not thinking my voice could go any louder before bowing low in respect.

"I see you bathed as well." She smiled softly once I straightened up.

"Yes, I told Athena she needed one and then realised that I haven't actually bathed for a few days either." I shrugged feeling embarrassed about not cleaning for so long.

"I understand." Lady Beatrice smiles before she turns and walks to the benches and sits down on her usual one. "Come, please."

I walked over to the bench opposite her while worrying about what was about to be said. I sat down in the middle of the bench and couldn't help myself but to lean my elbows on my knees and look at lady Beatrice intently needing to know what was about to be said, and quickly.

"First, I want to sincerely apologise for everything you had to go through this weekend." She started off in a whisper and I saw the sympathy in her beautiful silver eyes. "I know what it's like to watch someone you love die before your eyes, and know that it was by your own hands... I also know how terrible it is to watch your own parents die, though mine lived till old age for a human, I can't imagine how you must feel to have seen them forcefully ripped from your life."

I smiled softly, thankful to know and see that this beautiful woman truly did know how I was feeling, even if the circumstances aren't exactly the same. I think it should be me telling her now how much I understand about what she's feeling. The guilt, the regret, the self-hate of knowing that it was you who was the one to take a life that shouldn't have been taken so soon.

I stood up and walked around the small stone table and sat beside lady Beatrice. I couldn't help myself and grabbed both of her slim pale hands into my own. Sparks fired through the connection and I felt a calmness come over me at the touch of lady Beatrice's smooth hands.

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