Chapter Forty-One

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I couldn't stop myself from staring at everything. Everyone here seemed so normal, like what you'd expect from an average village back in our realm. It was utterly fascinating. There were shops selling all types of things, things I've never seen before or jewellery made out of stones I wouldn't have even imagined existed. Beatrice and Ashwini had to pull me back to the group a couple of times when I didn't even realise I was walking towards whatever was holding my interest.

"Vaden, keep up." Beatrice sighed for what felt the hundredth time making me realise that I was heading towards a small stall stuck in between two bigger and well-made buildings while it was run down and grubby looking.

"Hello my dear." The elderly fairy behind the rugged stall greeted me, wise grey eyes that matched both her hair and wings looking at me with interest.

"Good evening." I greeted back with a soft smile before my eyes started to wonder down over the items that were scattered over a blanket on the ground.

"Vaden." Beatrice called to me.

I looked at her with pleading in my eyes. "Can't I just have a look?" I asked and couldn't help but realise that I sounded like a child.

Beatrice sighed but a slight smile twitched at her lips. "Quickly, before we're left behind."

I grinned at her and lightly grabbed her hand squeezing it in thanks before letting go and squatting down to look closer at the items. I've never seen any of them before. There were strange books that were incredibly thick with metal and leather wrappings to protect the yellowing pages. A rack of strange glass bottles glowing faintly, held what surprised me as an amazing amount of mana inside them. A cloth with something hidden under it though is what caught my attention.

I couldn't look away from the bulge under the cloth that sat closest to the old fairy. I felt the sensation of the liquid mana coming from under the cloth but there was something else that was much darker than anything I've ever felt. Even the dark mana that surrounded Enrique didn't feel as dark as what was under that cloth.

"Ah I see... you can feel it can't you?" The old fairy asked with a wise smile on her wrinkly face.

"Yes I can... how can something feel so pure yet at the same time be so dark?" I asked in awe.

"Would you like to see it?" The fairy merchant asked.

I hesitated. "I'm not sure if I want to... but my curiosity is eating at me." I confessed.

The fairy nodded sagely before pulling the cloth away to reveal a stunning necklace. I sucked in a breath at the sight of it. It was made from pure silver, or something like it, and it was woven so intricately to create wrapping effect when it was wound around someone's neck.

But what truly held my attention was the sight of a small stone that the silver like wire was coiled around. In a spiralling motion the stunning white of the liquid mana spiralled around something that you could literally see suck in the light of the world around it. It was something much much darker than even the blackest of abyss'. It was the purest form of dark mana. I could feel it.

"Your name is Vaden correct?" The fairy asked and I nodded numbly not even questioning how she knew my name. "I can feel a great undertaking ahead of you my girl. You will go through many dark times and a few good ones but you will always keep the essence of the light within you. You yourself are pure on a fundamental level. I can feel it. I want to help you my dear..." I gasped without meaning to as the fairy used the cloth to pick up the necklace. "Here, I offer you this gift that will dilute any attack made with the use of light mana or dark mana. It will not completely protect you from all spells but it will from weaker ones."

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