Chapter Twenty-Four

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Night has finally fallen and the train has stopped in a large clearing just off the main road. Tents have been set up for the servants to sleep in and a larger one has been set up for my Mistress.

The others (Lucas, Hawk, Galen, Anon) and I don't have tents because we're on guard for the whole night. I found out during my last bit of training with Galen that a nightwalker can go without sleep for easily a month if not more if they have to. I find that very useful in such situations.

Anon and I were situated to guard the east side of the camp where most of the servant tents are while Galen, Lucas and Hawk spread out with other human guards in the other directions.

During the ride here I had to watch Anon flirt with both the male and female servants along with the guards and couldn't help but wonder how does it. He's obviously good at it too since he can get most of the women to blush and even some of the men. I had also seen him kissing a guard while we were having a short break along side the road.

He had wondered off tonight as well.

I was leaning against a tree keeping all my senses open for any dangers, though I've only came across wildlife so far. I was bored... it's so quiet all alone.

Anon's been gone for a while... I'll go look for him. I stretched a little before a started walking around through the little popup tents scattered around and hearing the heartbeats of the servants sleeping within.
Well I thought they were all sleeping until I was hearing some noises in one of the larger tents. Curious about the strange noises and a certain smell that I'm sure I've scented before but couldn't get my finger on. I decided to check what was going on.

I walked into the tent and froze deciding that today has had to be the strangest in my entire life and that goes against waking up as a nightwalker.

I was slightly horrified by what I walked in on I had to cover my mouth just in case bile decided to follow through with its burning warning at the base of my throat. Though a thought slithered through my mind that nearly made me laugh.

Anon is such a whore.

Almost like one from the Honeynuts from my old town. He seemed to be enjoying it like one at least.
Before my eyes was Anon, naked as the day he was born using his rigid member to plow into one of the servant girls who laid on her back under him. But thats not all... As Anon was plowing into this girl one of the larger guards I saw him flirting with during the day had his own hard as steel member going deep into Anon's back entrance.

All three seemed to be enjoying themselves and I, for the next forever, will never be able to get this image out of my head. So, not wanting to ruin their night a decided to walk back out and all the back to my previous post.

I stood at that tree partially distracted for maybe half an hour when Anon decided to waltz back looking smug and satisfied.

I didn't say anything but I didn't have to, he knew I has seen.

"I'm sorry you had to see that and if it made you feel uncomfortable, Alpha." Anon apologised though he was obviously not apologising for his actions.

"Don't worry about it. It's just going to leave another mental scar I'll have to live with forever." I waved him off finding that it actually didn't bother me as much as I first thought, Anon can do and be with anyone he wants to, I will not dictate those things for him.

Anon smiled and he walked over to me wrapping his large muscled arms around me comfortably from behind. I relaxed my back against him and could still smell the nights activities on him, but it wasn't very strong and I could ignore it easily.

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