Chapter Forty

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One second we were falling but the next we were standing in a forest clearing like nothing ever happened in the first place. I looked around in confusion, did the portal work?

I flinched at a sudden bright light that appeared in front of me. I had to cover my eyes with my hands and close my eyes it was that bright.

"Are you okay Vaden?" Beatrice's voice asked making me drop my arms and open my eyes in surprise. The light had vanished and in its place was Beatrice with a soft smile.

"Ah, yeah I'm fine. Where's Ash?" I asked looking around again when I realised the witch was no longer beside me.

"I-I'm over here." Someone groaned behind I bunch of bushes.

Beatrice and I went over to where the voice was to find Ashwini on her knees holding her stomach leaning over a puddle of vomit.

"I'm never doing that again." Ashwini groaned again while falling back onto her backside on the ground.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly kneeling beside her.

" She'll be fine in a moment. The portal jump only effects a few people making them feel sick and dizzy, but it'll quickly leave in a matter of moments." Georgia's voice answered me.

I looked over my shoulder and gasped in surprise. It was definitely Georgia but her hair had grown to right down to the back of her thighs and was a deep blue like the darkening sky before night. Her eyes were also a bright sparkling blue. What amazed me even more than the change of hair colour were the astonishing set of blue and black butterfly wings that extended out of her back.

"Woah!" I exclaimed without meaning to.

Georgia giggled softly and with a nonchalant hand pushed her long hair back over her shoulder making me realise that she was wearing midnight blue robes that wrapped around her small body. When did she change? Anyway, it doesn't matter, she's a bloody fairy!

"You should get used to it now before we get to the capital, you might insult someone with your staring." Georgia smiled at me making me blush when I realised I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

"I'm sorry." I apologised and quickly helped Ashwini to stand.

"It's okay, but just letting you know now there are all kinds of people around that would attack you for staring." She warned me.

"Then I better put a blindfold on or I might not be able to stop myself, especially if all fairies are like you. You're absolutely stunning!" I couldn't help but say with a soft astonished smile.

"Thank you." Georgia laughed at me.

I felt a pinch on my side making me jump and look at Ashwini in confusion. "Why'd you pinch me?" I asked her rubbing my side.

"Because our lady over there is getting jealous." Ashwini grinned looking over my shoulder.

I looked to where she was looking to find Beatrice with her arms folded glaring at the ground while her lips pursed unhappily. I tilted my head to the side in confusion before understanding what Ashwini was saying. I felt my chest flutter and I couldn't help but smile.

We all walked back to the clearing to find three stark white horses with what looked like multi-coloured paint in strange patterns all over them. I gapped at them in awe while walking up to stand by Beatrice.

"They're amazing. Why are they painted? Wait, what about Ruddy and the other horses?" I asked quickly.

"It shows others that we're a part of a royal party, sort of and I sent the horses back to the estate before I went through the portal." Beatrice answered looking better than before.

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