Chapter Fifty-Three

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Vaden's POV (until otherwise)

So much... there was so much, it was amazing, it was brilliant, stunning, delicious... so much blood.

I couldn't stop smiling. It was extraordinary and so much fun. I could feel qoy was also having the time of his life. The power seeping off of the black blade and into me was overflowing from inside me to form a black haze around me like a constant shadow.

I stood on the dead Orc feeling the mana drain from it and into the earth around it, joining all the others. I looked up to the camp in front of me still with that smile that hasn't left my face yet and felt that it was very fitting that the tents were on fire. I felt like I was bring the fiery underworld to this usually calm and happy realm. It was beautiful, a piece of art.

I took everything in with delight until someone stepped forward. It felt like I was hit by something unbelievably heavy right in the chest. I was having difficulty breathing but I tried not to show it, keeping my smile on my face like nothing was happening... but those eyes. It was those silver eyes that haunted me every time I close my eyes even for a moment.

Why were they here and why was it affecting me so strongly?

I could feel my body trembling making me clench my hand around qoy even tighter, till no blood could flow through my fingers. I looked into those silver eyes trying to come off as indifferent while something inside my mind was savagely trying to get loose. I didn't like. I didn't like the feeling of knowing something but unable to grasp what it was and why it was causing such pain in my chest, specifically my heart.

I could feel my heart pumping faster than the sight of blood could ever cause. Excitement ran through me and it had nothing to do with wanting to see her dead. Who was this person to be able to cause such a reaction out of me when nothing but the feeling of killing something could almost get the same reaction. Those two reasons were completely different yet they both make me feel euphoric.

Master Enrique is not going to like this, not at all.

She stepped forward again making my smile falter because the closer she got the more I was feeling my blood lust fading and that was very very dangerous. If I don't kill these fairies, Master Enrique will surely put me in the cell for more than three days.


Oh great Master... her voice! Shivers run up my spine. What is happening to me? Why is this woman affecting me like this? In my four hundred years I've never felt like this before, this has never happened before!

As nonchalant as I could I placed my weight onto my left leg and tilted my head curiously keeping my smile on my face, unable to look away from those gorgeous silver gems.

"What are you talking about darling?" I asked glad that my voice came out as uncaring as I wanted it to. I nearly hissed in pain as my chest constricted and whatever was in my mind trying to get out was really putting up a fight to get out but whatever was holding it back was doing its job. I then realised that she was crying. Tears fell from reddening eyes and seeing them wasn't causing the usual excitement the sight of my victims crying usually does.

"You... you're Vaden." The woman told me and I laughed all the while a headache was forming in the back of my skull annoying me.

"Sorry darling but I don't have a name unless Master Enrique gives me one." I shook my head at her.

"He is not your Master!" I felt myself shift my weight ready to take a step back from the ferocious shout. If I was anybody else, I might have cowered at the venom this stunning creature had in her voice as she spat out the words.

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