Chapter Twenty-One

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I attached my sword to my belt and felt ready. I sighed softly at the thought of going out there and seeing something even worse than how I had found Anon and cringed. I also hopes I don't  have to kill too many humans, but knew I would because my Mistress says to.

Sylvia, who watched me change without a sound or movement, grabbed me around my left forearm as I was walking pass her towards the door. I stopped moving and looked down at where she was touching me. It was warm and I felt my stomach clench slightly but I knew I could keep the hunger away for another day.

"Yes?" I asked her raising my eyes to hers.

She swallowed and I could tell that she was nervous. "Please... please try and not kill anyone." Her voice was soft but because of my ethereal senses it was like she was using her normal volume.

I twisted my arm slowly and pulled out of her hold. I looked away from her and at the door but didn't move for another heartbeat. "We'll see what happens." I replied evenly and walked out of the room and quickly made my way to where Anon and the others were waiting. Anon was now back in his human form and stood at the same giant height's as the other men. It miffed me a bit, why are they so damn tall?

Anon chuckled as he slung an arm over my shoulders. "There there, you'll get bigger one day. Oh wait... you don't grow up any more do you?" I frowned slightly. I'm pretty sure I didn't use our link to say anything to him. 

In reply though, I punched him in the stomach making him double over and groan from the sudden loss of breath. "I'm ready when you guys are." I stated to Galen as Lucas and Hawk laughed from beside him while he just gives me a blank look.

That was mean... Anon grumbled.

Be quiet or I'll tell them about your little excitement with other males in your bed and how much you like being dominated. I threatened him as I followed behind Galen when we started running off towards wherever we're needed to go.

You wouldn't! I chuckled at how scandalised he sounded.

Then keep the short  jokes to yourself. I replied while expanding my senses and feeling the mana run through me like I was nothing. I'm not even that short! Just shorter than these males.

Fine! Fine! He grumbled and I could just see him pouting like the man-child he is.

We stopped in a clearing and Galen turned to us. "We've had word from scouts around our territory that some Hunters have captured a convent of Witches, which means there are going to be a large number of Hunters as well as a few powerful artefacts." He started with a serious tone that totally killed any amusement I was feeling at that moment. "Much like when we saved Anon. Lucas and Hawk will attack and attract their attention while Anon and I will take them from behind. Girl, you're to prioritise getting the Witches out of their chains that stops their use of mana."

"Eh? There are chains that can stop mana?" I asked not believing it was possible. Everything has mana inside it, how can something with mana, stop mana?

"Yes, so they're impossible to break by using a spell of any kind." Galen confirmed.

"But this is Alpha we're talking about. She can control mana without needing a spell." Anon stated both proud and impressed.

I shook my head at him and sighed. "Still might not work you know." I told him seriously.

"Gah! No faith in your own powers." Anon waved my words away.

"It doesn't matter, just get those chains off those women. Get to the older women first, they will have more experience and control over their spells better than the younger ones." Galen started again still addressing me.

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