Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Adelle was beyond angry and I couldn't help but find amusement in the way her face went as red as her hair and it looked like she was about to burst a vein in her forehead. I swung Qoy lazily as I felt myself become buzzed with mana, both dark and pure, it made the necklace around my neck hum in delight.

My fangs lengthened and everything was in stunning detail while also binging tinged with red and black. I must look scary because I could feel hesitation flow through the little army of Hunters standing behind Adelle.

"I'll tell you again, if you don't want to die then leave and I will not hunt you." I told them while sweeping my gaze over them and meeting the most nervous humans eyes, which had them flinching and stepping back.

"Like hell they'll run, cause if they do they will no longer be a Hunter and protect this world from unholy creatures like you!" Adelle spat. "Anyone who runs will be forsaken by the Human, Lord Zehava and will never again be welcomed into the Church!"

I sighed and shook my head in disappointment that Adelle's terrible speech made some of the humans gain back a slither of confidence but didn't lessen the fear. Idiots.

"Fine, your funeral." I shrugged and grinned while I released some mana to create a few replicas, which mad even Adelle stepping back in shock. "What? You can have an army but I can't?" I teased while my replications spread out.

"Kill her!" Adelle screeched as she tried to rush me. Has she gotten more stupid with each time we've fought or is it just me? With barely a thought the ground where she was about to step rose up tripping her, sending her crashing onto the ground. She looked really angry, I mean, really really angry right now.

My eyes widened in shock while I quickly jumped to the side when the crazy lady shoved her hands into the ground and managed to pick up a huge bloody chunk of the ground and threw it at me! I rolled along the ground but quickly rolled backwards when her fist slammed into the ground where I was. The earth literally rose up and cracked where her metallic fist sunk into the ground. It was terrifying and surprising. I cannot be hit by those hands, or I'll definitely be losing a part of myself. I'm surprised that I didn't die from her first hit when I came through the portal.

But it seems she can't control the strength of them just yet. I quickly jumped to my feet and used Qoy to block and deflect a swing from Adelle. Her hand hit a close by tree and I was expecting her hand to go through it much like it did to the ground, but all the tree did was shudder a little before staying still.

"How long have you had those hands for? Because it seems you have no idea how to use them." I laughed at her.

"Shut up! It's your fault I need them in the first place!" Adelle screamed. "Like you know how to use your artefacts! All you're doing is swinging that thing around. It probably hasn't even accepted you as its wielder yet."

I grinned at her as I hear Qoy chuckle in my mind. Maybe we should show her who exactly I am.

And how are we going to do that? I asked him not entirely surprised that I could speak to him much like I can with Beatrice and Anon.

I felt like he was grinning and I could feel him sucking in dark mana from inside me. Much like what happens when I create a replication, dark mana surrounded me before it moves to form a figure. I gapped in surprise as Qoy appeared beside me.

He rolled his shoulders back and tilted his head from side to side, cracking it each time before he let out a sigh. "That's better, being cramped up as a sword for so many decades really tenses up my body." He groaned.

I just stared wide-eyed at him because I had no idea that it was possible for him to become human.

He looked at me with his black eyes through his long hair and shot me a smirk. "Let me deal with this newborn while you just stand there and watch looking pretty."

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