Chapter Thirty-Three

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Just letting you know this story is far from over

I knelt on the ground as tears dribbled down my face, the only physical sign of the pain I was feeling because the rest of my body was frozen with so many emotions I could no longer define a single one.

Athena cried into her sisters lax hand she held in both her own and my mind continued to claw at me saying how it was all my fault for making the girl so sad. You're a monster... A freak of nature that doesn't deserve to have a family, a home or people to look after and protect.

I felt so broken. How do I even start to recover from this?

Warmth of acceptance and family filled my mind through a bond I thought was broken while large arms wrapped around me from behind. I could feel that he was still really weak but his hold around me made the pain in my heart ebb, though only a bit.

"You're Pack, you're family." He husked into my ear. "We help each other during times like this. I will always help you, Alpha."

I didn't know I leant back into his chest until I felt surrounded by his warmth physically and mentally. I could feel both his human side and wold side trying to comfort me in the shifters way of touch and bonding. Yet, I wasn't a shifter, I could still feel the pain and weight of what I've done crippling me.

I reached out a hand and touched Sylvia's cheek that had the warmth rapidly fading from the soft skin. A smaller hand covered my own and I looked at its owner with renewed pain piercing my heart.

"You must hate me now..." I said sadly. "I took away the only family you had left... I understand if you want nothing to do with me."

Athena, to my disbelief, shook her head and even gave me a slight smile! "No, I don't hate you. I saw the end of the fight, she let you kill her. I think she always was going to let you be the one to do it. I still believe that you're the kindest and nicest Nightwalker in existence."

I couldn't believe her. How could she be so accepting of me like this? I will never be able to forgive myself for this, never.

In a flash of instinctual movement my hand moved on its own. Pain seared through my hand as a small throwing knife pierced right through it. I breathed out a soft sigh of relief while Athena looked wide eyed at the tip of the knife that would have imbedded itself into her temple if my hand wasn't in the way.

"Damn and here I thought I could get rid of the whole family." That annoying voice drawled. I didn't think I was capable of being this mad except for if Enrique was in front of me.

Softly and slowly I placed Sylvia's body into Athena's lap before, with incredible pain piercing my own heart, I pulled out my hunting knife from Sylvia's stomach and dropped it to the ground, unable to touch it anymore because of what I have used it for. I stood up and out of Anon's arms, heavy with pain from my injuries but mostly from my breaking soul. "Protect her." I told him though I knew that he could barely move.

"Of course." He stated obviously, but sagged to the ground beside the girl while I turned to look at Adelle who was playing with another throwing knife.

"Didn't you say that your Hunters would be a match for us?" I asked evenly not showing how much I was going to rip this woman limb from limb. "I think you were thinking much too highly about yourself and them."

Adelle scowled at me while she stopped playing with the knife. I pulled the knife she threw at Athena from my hand. It was able to heal quicker than normal when I placed mana into the wound closing it forcefully and temporarily like the rest of me wounds on my body.

I walked slowly to my sword that was still on the ground and picked it up. It was splattered with human blood from the start of the fight. I looked around for a second to find body's littering the clearing. The death was starting to stain the mana in the air, which was making me feel sick.

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