Chapter Twenty-Six

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Love you guys 😘

It was darker than it should have been inside the castle that has multiple lamps and and torches either hanging from the ceiling or black walls.

I stood with Galen as my Mistress looked around with distaste and I could understand why.

The floor, though made out of the most stunning assortment of stones, gems and tiles in a beautifully artistic mosaic, depicted a horrifying scene of a man with blinding white fangs, leathery bat wings and spiralling horns coming out of his head surrounded by fire coming out of the ground while the world burned around him.

A dark feeling welled up inside me as I looked over the scene on the floor. I didn't want to step onto it just in case I started burning like the few corpses in the scene.

"It's a picture about the prophesy." My Mistress spoke from beside me as we both looked at the dark art.

"The prophesy?" I asked her not really sure if I wanted to know or not.

"Yes. It's about the creator of Nightwalker's rising again to rule the mortal realm when the child of pureness is taken down to his realm of death so that he can drink their life blood. We call him the Master, and we are his servants up here doing his biddings while in the mortal realm since he cannot." My Mistress explained in a monotone voice, which I didn't know how to take.

The Master? I questioned myself before the warning in the mana from outside the castle came to mind. 'Your blood is life. Beware, for the Master is after it.'

No... don't tell me...

I was utterly terrified and I looked quickly at my Mistress with large eyes. She frowned softly in question. "What is wrong Pet?" She questioned quietly while keeping an eye on the dangerous blonde male who had just closed the doors we had walked through.

"Well if you'll follow me into the great hall." Enrique smiled brightly though to me it was something sickening.

Galen was first behind him, then it was our lady and I with Anon bringing up the rear.

I stepped closer to my Mistress to better whisper into her ear. "Yeri qoy mae atthirar. Villat, ha ki Akkelenak mae irge me."

Her step froze for a millisecond. "Where did you hear that?" She hissed, her gold eyes shinning dangerously.

"While we were passing those cages. A woman who should have been dead touched me. The last of her mana slipped into me and I was given this warning." I answered. "Mistress, if I'm this child of pureness..." I breathed in deeply, sadly. "I will do as I'm told to without argument if you wish to offer me to the Master."

"We don't know that yet." My Mistress muttered but I could hear in her voice that she was thinking that it was definitely a possibility and most likely the truth. I was happy though that she was trying to deny it, it made me feel like I had worth to my Mistress. "Enrique is going to boast about being chosen by the Master to find his prophesied body. He will have information on what the child is meant to be and look like. We'll wait till he gives this information away. For now I want you to hide the crescent moon mark on your neck."

"Yes Mistress." I agreed. I looked down when something cold and wet touched my hand.

I won't let anything happen to you, Alpha. Anon declared with a seriousness in his eyes that both scared me and made the bond between us grow stronger.

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