Chapter Fifty-One

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Beatrice's POV

I was worried beyond belief, that I felt like crying, but I had to be strong. I was helping the injured that were unable to move by themselves through the forest as we headed to safety. I could feel Vaden's exhaustion and wanted to go to her but I know she would want me to concentrate on getting these fairies to safety.

Candy came running from the back of the slow moving group to where I was in the middle of it. "I'm worried." The usually hard as stone soldier fairy admitted while looking backwards a confused expression on her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked while panting though I didn't feel tired in the least. It was all coming from Vaden.

"They're not following us." She replied while frowning. "Should we send someone to scout back?"

"No." I immediately shook my head. "We're low on soldiers as it is and we need everyone able to fight protecting the injured just in case an ambush happens."

"Candy! Beatrice!" Honey came running from the front of the group.

"What's happening?" Beatrice asked quickly already picturing the worse.

Honey panted lightly from the quick sprint. "Scouts came back from the front and said that we're nearing the closest encampment, on our side."

I breathed out a sigh of relief at that. "Thank god, I don't think I could have kept going if it was too far further." The fairy I was helping muttered lowly.

I chuckled lowly and sighed as further exhaustion come to be over the mating bond between me and Vaden. I looked back in worry, pleading to whoever was listening that she was going to be okay. She had to be. I wouldn't know what to do if anything bad happened to her.

"She'll be fine. She's a tough one." Candy told me reading my expression.

"I know she is... but she's my Mate and I can't help but worry." I sighed. We stopped at the edge of a clearing that held the camp and I gave the care of the injured soldier I was helping over to another fairy from the camp. "She's really tired for some reason and I don't think she'll last much longer... I need to go back to her and help."

Candy grabbed my arm stopping me from going. "You'll only distract her if you go. Your safety is her ultimate priority and you'll just stop her from keeping the Orcs at bay."

I was about to growl at her but I lurched forward instead as pain spread through my stomach. I cried out from the pain and fell to my knees, Candy coming down with me looking shocked.

"What's happening?" Georgia asked as she came over.

"V-Vaden's been hurt." I hissed out holding my stomach but only to have everything suddenly go numb then black.


I felt so empty all of a sudden. I was in a world of darkness completely submerged in black with not a single light piercing it. It was my mind. I felt surrounded by myself and wondered why I was here. A growl came from a bit away to my left and when I turned to it I found the black mass of my beast chained down, unable to move, while it's red eyes glared at me with its crazed blood lust. I turned away from it and found a light gold string leading from me to out into the darkness.

I followed the thin string and found Aviva standing there leaning against a wall with her stoic look on her face. The string was the connection we held as sisters. A stronger and thicker string of gold lead from Aviva to Georgia who stood beside her with a soft smile looking up at her mate, showing their connection as Mates.

I placed a hand to my chest, I looked down to find the thick thread of gold that weaved through me and out to somewhere in the darkness away from Aviva and Georgia. I followed it for I don't know how long, but I soon came across a wall. The thread continued through the wall but for some reason I couldn't get through it. I hit it with all my strength but it didn't crumble. I pulled on the thread but that only caused me pain. Suddenly an image appeared behind the invisible wall.

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