Chapter Forty-Six

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Just saying expect the unexpected with this story...

"Vaden!" I heard Beatrice call my name but for some reason I couldn't turn to her. My heart was hurting, my mind was a mess and my body was frozen. What do I do? How is this even possible? Is it possible?

It was suddenly very cold, so cold, but at least I was finally able to move my body again. I looked around and was shocked to see that I was utterly surrounded by snow. Trees naked and frozen, grass hidden under a body height of snow and a crying baby... wait, what?

My ears were not deceiving me, there was a baby crying from somewhere. I quickly looked around and headed towards where it was coming from. I was shocked by what I found. A naked baby, a girl, was laying on the snow bright red from screaming her little lungs out. What amazed me even more were the stunning midnight black and blue wings that came out of her small back, splayed out under her contrasting brilliantly with the stark white snow.

I hurried to the tiny Celestial baby and tried to pick her up. I was given a shock though at the sight of my hands going through her. But it was like she could see me even though I couldn't touch her because she suddenly stopped crying. I couldn't help but gasped audibly at the sight of her brilliant turquoise eyes that looked up at me. My heart beat quickened and the urge to protect this child with my life was nearly suffocating, like I would kill for this child. Like I would hunt her down to the ends of the earth just to make sure she was safe by my side.

I heard the snow crunching under footsteps coming towards us. On instinct I growled and spun around in full protective mode. My growl cut short though at the sight of lady Aviva walking towards us covered in thick furred clothing made of strange material I've never seen before. She didn't look at me but at the child with her gold eyes. Walking right past me she bent down and scooped up the child. Wrapping her strange cloak around the baby she sighed softly like she had been searching for something a really long time and have finally found it.

"I have you, it's okay, I found you." She whispered to the baby shocking and confusing me even more. She then pulled out a strange sleek contraption from a pocket and placed it to her ear and spoke. "I've found her, bring the chopper to my coordinates immediately. Bring warm blankets and baby formula." With that she placed the thing back into her pocket and started heading out of the bare forest.

I was shocked frozen. "You have to find her." A familiar voice spoke almost echo-like from beside me. I turned to find that girl who looked like a younger version of Beatrice. "You have to find me." She rephrased and then pointed to where lady Aviva and the baby disappeared.

"I-I don't understand what's happening." I stuttered my head starting to ache with all the confusion I was feeling. "Where am I? Who are you? Please, I don't understand what's going on."

"Love your Mate and find her when she's lost. That's all you can do right now. Just love us, love me and you'll find me." The girl smiled before everything disappeared.

I was suddenly yanked back out of that confusing snow white world and I was able to breathe properly again. I gasped and coughed on the ground of the strange clearing. Beatrice was kneeling over me looking worried and scared. She was saying something but I couldn't hear her words. Everything was fuzzy and not in order. What was happening to me?

"Vaden?" In sudden clarity everything snapped back into order making Beatrice's shouting feel like knives being shoved into my head.

I groaned in pain, screwing up my face and holding my hands over my ears. "Please don't shout, I can hear you now." I pleaded to her, my head aching tremendously.

"Oh thank god." Beatrice breathed a hand over her heart while her other held onto my wrist.

I opened my eyes and looked up at the ceiling. Frist an image of me being Mated to not only one but two figures. Then a vision of me killing every living thing in this realm, and now finally seeing a baby Celestial that lady Aviva was for some reason looking for before a child that looks like my Mate appeared telling me to find her, them, they, I don't even know, and to just love Beatrice like normal. I sighed as my head throbbed. There's too much going on and I don't even know what's happening anymore.

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