Chapter Forty-Three

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Warning! A bit of sexy time.

As we went back down the stairs my eyes drifted towards the path that was calling to me once again, but I decided to travel it tomorrow when we have time to. Right now I needed food and rest. It's been a long day and I still felt on edge from the discussion of the war.

I looked at Beatrice when she squeezed my hand a confused look in her eyes while they shifted over my shoulder towards the path I don't think she can see.

"You're looking in that direction again. Is there something there?" She asked softly slowing down so that we were now at the back of the group at the bottom of the stairs while they went off following Orrick towards another path that leads to the dining hall.

"There's a path there." I decided to tell her wanting to show my trust in her and that I need her opinion on it. "There's something down that path that's calling to me to follow it and I don't know why."

"Do you want to go now?" Beatrice asked though she looked worried the firm grip on my hand told me she would come with me down a path she couldn't even see. I nearly smiled at the knowledge that she trusted me just as much.

"Not tonight. Will you come with me tomorrow?" I asked her running my thumb over the back of her hand, loving the feel of it.

"Of course." Beatrice easily and quickly agreed. This time I didn't hold back my smile and I was happy when she returned it.

"Thank you." I told her happily.

"Come on, we have dinner to get to." Beatrice said starting to pull me down towards where the others went.

"I was wondering where you two went off to." Ashwini grinned strangely while her eyebrows wiggled when we walked into the large dining hall that was easily twice the size of the one back at the estate.

I awed at the size of the room before my gaze turned to the table where Ashwini was sitting. I gawked at all the amazing looking fruits, nuts, creams and food I've never seen before that were laid out over the table.

I followed Beatrice to the table slightly stunned. "This looks magnificent!" I exclaimed a bit belatedly making the others, beside Orrick who stood behind Georgia's chair, laugh.

"Sadly there's no meats because fairies are primarily vegan especially in a time like this, but the fruits and nuts will give you everything that you need." Georgia explained to us.

I smiled at her while Beatrice chuckled lightly. "Georgia, you should know that we don't even need to eat food if we don't want to. As long as we have blood we can survive without eating for years or even forever." Beatrice told her.

"True." Georgia agreed while nodding and laughing seeing her mistake.

"But it still looks amazing! I have goal to try all the different types of food in the world since I never got to eat anything more than rotting bread or moulding cheese when I lived on the streets." I told them while eagerly eyeing the food.

"I like the sound of that! So let's eat!" Ashwini agreed and at her signal we started plating the food until nothing was left. Ashwini and I had the largest portions in the group making the other two women laugh at us.

"I never knew you were such a pig." Beatrice giggled from beside me when I finished my piled plate rubbing my very satisfied stomach while my tongue sang out in glee at the tastes that continued to coat it.

"I've never tasted something so delicious." I told her seriously. "Well, besides for human blood, but that's a given."

Beatrice laughed again making me smile. We were both shocked when her hand came up and wiped something from my bottom lip. We both blinked down at the bit of juice on her thumb before I felt heat rise to my face and I saw her own flush in embarrassment obviously not meaning to do the affectionate act.

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