28 - Betrayal of One's Kin (I) (✓)

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My eyes slowly fluttered open as I attempted to move my stiff body. At first, I tried moving my fingers, opening and closing my fists. It felt like they haven't moved in ages.

I then tried to fully open my eyes only to realize I was in an unknown room. As I slowly collected my senses, I started to hear whispers from behind the door.

"Man Chai." I called out, my voice, sounding a little raspy and dry. My throat feels so parched. After a few moments, the Suanni appeared in sight and it immediately snuggled close to me.


I heard. My eyes widened as I looked at the Suanni near my chest.

"Y-You can t-talk now?" I stuttered. The creature then looked up at me and started to nod.

"Yes! I can talk now! But you could only hear my voice in your thoughts. I could still not speak like a human though but at least you can hear me now!"

Man Chai nodded happily. This is the very first time I have ever heard Man Chai's voice. His voice sounded like that of a child, gentle and full of life.

I then pulled the creature closer to me, hugging me tight.

"You had me so worried, Ga-Ming." Man Chai nestled his face closer to my neck allowing me to feel the softness and warmth of his body. "How are you feeling?" The creature pulled away from me and looked at me with a concerned look on his face.

I then tried to sit up only to be greeted with a strong stinging pain in my abdomen. I winced and the Suanni was instantly alarmed.

"Hey. Slow down." Man Chai pressed his paws on my chest, stopping me from moving further. "You're still unwell."

I grunted even more as the pain started to crawl all over my body, mostly climbling down my thighs an and legs. I could even feel it on my lower back. My hand then instinctively made their way on the injury and only then did I notice that I was half naked and the only thing that's shielding my upper body was the white cloth wrapped around my waist, which, unfortunately, is now stained with blood.

"Oh man, how did this even happen?" I groaned in frustration before running my fingers through my hair.

"I don't know. Everything happened so quickly." Man Chai perched on my lap and sat down like how a cat would normally sit. I then petted him, rubbing his cheek and chin, earning satisfied purrs from him.

I then started to recall the past events.

First, I met Thoma. And then, on our way to Synthia's home, a man, wielding a sword, attempted to attack us. His first attempt was unsuccessful but once Thoma and I got separated, another man came into view and since I was unaware, he took this opportunity to ambush me and he successfully inflicted a blow on me.

From there, my vision got blurry until I heard a loud roar.

"Man Chai." I spoke. The Suanni's ears perked up to his name.

"You could grow big?" My eyes widened at him.

I heard him laugh dryly. "I wasn't expecting it either. It was just a sudden rush of power for me." He explained, his eyes were smiling at me. "All I know is I have to protect you and no matter what happens, I have to be the stronger one because if I was weak, how could I save you from harm?"

Now that his eyes are open, his glowing eyes are staring into my soul, conveying that pure concern and natural protectiveness he has over me.

"Thank you, Man Chai." I mumbled. He then floated towards me and gave me another hug afterwards.

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