37 - It Is How It Is (II)(✓)

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I could feel my heart shatter into millions of pieces, my hand shivering and my grip on my sword loosening.

I stared at Chen, my eyes, filled with tears and anger. The blade was now shaky. I was so close to slashing it through his neck and I thought it would be fine to end a stranger's life now but seeing my dearest cousin in front of me, gives me a terrible pit in my stomach.

I could have killed him...

And I could have done it without any remorse...

But, why does my hand feel like its frozen?

I wanted to speak but my tongue was tied. I was trying my hardest to choke in my tears only to realize that they were already streaming down my face.

"How could you?" I said in between the attempts of gulping my tears. "Chen,"

Spitting out his name now gave me such disgust when before, I would have called out his name with such love and gentleness.

"I can explain," He tried raising his hand up in surrender. Upon his movement, I steeled my back and stiffened my hold on my sword, placing it closer to his neck.

At this point, my eyes and heart are now blurred with nothing but fury.

"Explain!?" I yelled."No words can explain your doings!" I spat. "When did you become a part of this, Chen? Since when did it ever cross your mind to betray me?"

He seemed hesitant to answer.

"Answer my question or this blade shall meet your demise." I spat coldly through gritted teeth. He then looked at me wide-eyed as if he didn't believe the words coming out of my mouth.

"You're bluffing." He tried to laugh but I inched the blade closer to his neck and since my blade was sharper than any weapon, it slightly pierced his skin, causing him to wince. His hand then trailed its way to the bleeding area, looking down at his fingers before looking back at me and his eyes clearly said that he knew I was not bluffing.

"I will repeat my question, Chen." I shakily spoke, choking my saliva to attempt to stop myself from tearing up again. "When did you become a part of this!?"

"I c-can't tell you, Synthia." He cried. "T-They'll kill my family."

I look at him with disgust. "Your family!?" I scoffed. "Am I not a family to you, Chen!?" I yelled. "All of you have completely worn down my patience. I will not think twice about ending your life here."

He then instantly fell on his knees, bringing his forehead to my feet. "Please, Synthia." He wept. "You are family but I-"

"But what, Chen!?" I looked down at him and took a step back. He followed me and attempted to grab my legs, hugging it tightly as if he did not want to let me go. "Let me go, Chen."

"No, Synthia. Please. You have to understand. I w-was forced to do this!" He sobbed loudly.

Only then my body felt numb. I lowered my weapon before it faded into wisps.

"You were forced." I spoke as the emotions left my face.

Then there was a brief moment of silence.

At this point, I was so furious that I could not feel anything at all. It's just pure resentment. Even if I wanted to yell so loud, I felt nothing at all. All I know is, I wanted to make them pay for the pain they have brought me.

They brought out a side of me that I had always kept hidden ever since the death of Asato.

"Synthia, I'm sorry!" I could feel Chen's tears fall on my legs. "Please! Please!"

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