41- The weeping Woman

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This is the story of a woman named 'Maria'. But she is often is referred to as la lrorona.

Many parents tell this story to their children to prevent them from going out in dark.

It is a sad tale. Some of the people believe it but some don't.

Long ago, in a small, beautiful village there lived a gorgeous  girl called Maria.

People thought that she was the most beautiful girl in the world and this made her really proud of herself.

As she grew older, her beauty kept on increasing with her pride. She thought that she was better than every other girl.

When she was a young woman, she wouldn't even look at the men from her village. They were not good enough for her.

She wanted to marry the world's most handsome man.

And one day, she saw a man riding in her village and he seemed to be the man she wanted.

He was a handsome, young Ranchero coming from a wealthy family.

He could ride wild horses ,play guitar beautifully and sing nicely too!

Maria thought that he was the one for her. She knew the tricks to catch his attention.

When the Ranchero tried to talk to her, she turned her head away.
When he came to her house to play her guitar, she would not open the door.

This young man fell for her tricks. He would marry this girl for sure.

Everything turned out as Maria had planned. Soon, they were engaged and then married.

They had two kids and thought that they had a perfect family.

But after a few years, the Ranchero went back to his life in prairies.

He would leave town for many months and even when he came back, he would just want to see his children and not Maria.

He even thought of setting Maria aside and going for a wealthy class woman.

Maria began to feel anger towards her children as he only paid attention to the children and not her.

One evening, Maria was walking on the bank of a river when she saw a carriage.

Ranchero was sitting in there with another woman. He stopped and spoke to his children but he did not even look at Maria.

Seeing this, Maria was more angry than ever. And she got it out all on her children.

She did not know what she was doing when she threw her children into the river.

After a few moments, she realized what she had done and regretted it.

She put her hand in the river calling out for the children but it was all over.

Her children had drowned and were dead.

Next morning a villager told the news to everyone that he had seen a lady lay dead on a river bank.

But the first night Maria was in grave, people heard sounds from the river bank.

It was not the wind. It was La Llorona crying for her children.

And they saw a woman dressed in a white robe walking up and down crying for her children.

Children have been warned not to go out alone in dark as La Llorona might snatch them and never return them!


Hey! Okay so first, thank you sooo much @Idblackfire for commenting what type of story she wanted.

And as I said, these last 10 chapters are all what you guys want. Just comment whatever you want the next story to be about!

And I will just be taking what you want so there would be a new chapter if you comment what type of story you want.

thank you so much for the votes♡♡♡


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