69 - Two fingers

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There was a little boy named Brian who was sitting in his math class.

He was looking out from the window as he was not interested in whatever his teacher was saying.

He could see his school garden from the window. Over there he saw something.

It was a picture on the ground. In the picture, there was a little girl. That's all Brian could see.

He decided to take a closer look at the photo as he was curious who the little girl was.

So after the bell rang , he quickly rushed to the playground to get the picture.

He didn't want anyone else to know about the picture that he found.

So when he reached the playground, he saw the picture there.

He picked it up and observed it closely.

The girl had medium brown hair and green eyes. She was holding up two fingers. He thought it was a peace sign.

He thought it was a list picture of a girl at his school. And he really wanted to see the girl.

So the next day at school , he went up to every single girl to see if she was the girl in the picture.

But no girl resembled the girl in the photo.

That night , when Brian was in bed , he was admiring the photo. The girl was so beautiful.

Then he suddenly heard a bang noise on his window Someone was banging on his window really hard.

But his back was faced to the window so he couldn't see who it was. He just ignored it

But the banging would not stop. So he finally turned around and he saw a girl.

It wasn't some random girl. It was the girl in the photo. The girl he was looking for the whole day.

He quickly opened his window to let her in without thinking. But that was his life's biggest mistake.

The girl came inside. He looked closely at her. Instead of the green eyes she had in the photo , she had cold grey eyes.

Her face was pale white. And her lips were dark red. She looked almost like a ghost.

Then suddenly blood started to flow from her mouth. Brian got really scared. He never imagined this would happen.

He ran to his door to escape but the girl smirked which caused the door to shut and be locked.

The girl came towards him and took out a knife that she had hidden behind her back for so long.

After that , I guess you all know what had happened.

After 4 - 5 months of Brian's death , everything was okay.

One day , a boy named Jim was walking on the street when he accidently stepped on a photo.

When he looked at it and picked it up, he realized it was the picture of a little girl.

And she was holding up three fingers .


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