50- math teacher

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When I was in school, our maths teacher was a man named Mr. Stigson.

He was handsome and he also had piercing blue eyes and always looked like he needed to shave.

However, the first day he came to class, everyone hated him.

He had a really short temper. At the slightest thing, he would fly at an uncontrollable rage, ranting and raving at anyone who had the misfortune to cross his path.

He could often be heard screaming and shouting abuse in the classrooms and corridors.

Sometimes, he even physically threatened the students.

My entire class was afraid of him.

Even the other teachers were scared of him and tried to stay out of his way.

One day, a girl named Beverly was late to class.

She opened the door when Mr. Stigson was in the middle of a lecture.

He just snapped, began saying abuse to her and insulted her.

He got right up at her face and wagged his finger at her trying to intimidate her forcing her to back up against the wall.

Beverly was a well behaved girl and she didn't deserve the horrible things he was saying.

He was way too close and invading her personal space.

She tried to push him away. But when she put her hands on him, things got worse.

Stigson suddenly drew back and slapped her on her cheek

We were all completely shocked. Beverly couldn't believe what had just happened.

She just stood there dumbfounded for a few seconds and then ran out of the classroom sobbing with her hand on her cheek.

He continued teaching and acted as if nothing happened while the class was silent.

We all knew that Mr.Stigson was going to be in trouble.

Next day, Beverly's mother showed up in class and demanded to speak to him.

He went outside to talk in the corridor and slammed the door behind him.

The whole class stayed silent trying to hear the conversation.

Her mother started screaming at our math teacher cursing him.

She said she was going to get him fired for assaulting her daughter.

When we peeked out the window, we saw that Stigson was just standing in front of her not moving a muscle.

There was a furious scowl in his face but he did not react to anything she said.

When Beverly's mother finally stopped shouting, he returned to the class.

His face was boiling red and there was anger in his eyes.

But he just sat on his desk and started to correct papers as if nothing had happened.

The next morning, I heard the shocking news.

When Beverly and her mother were driving back from school yesterday, they had been involved in a terrible accident.

Their car had crashed into a telephone pole. Her mother was killed and Beverly was in coma.

I was horrified. Some of the students were crying while others sat there completely stunned. Everyone was devastated.

Everyone except Mr. Stigson. He had a huge grin on his face the whole day.
I had never seen him this happy.

It was like he was happy because of their misfortune. But I could never imagine the truth.

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