Nathan Imagine

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Nathan Imagine:

"You know what my favourite thing is?" Nathan's voice brings your focus back. You watch as the snowflakes fall outside your window. Floating gently down before crashing to the ground leaving a white blanket. He takes a seat on the floor next to you as he hands you a cup of coco. "What?" You ask taking a sip as the sweet liquid slides over your tongue, like silk warming you. "Moments like this" he smiled as you looked in his direction. The popping from the fire takes your attention as you watch the bright red and blue flames dance. The smell of burning wood filling your nose as you watch the small ashes float in the air. A firm, gentle arm wraps around your shoulder bringing you closer. As you set your head on his shoulder his warm breath tickles your ear. "Anything special you want to do?" You ask realising you've been sitting in utter silence for a while. "Not really, I just enjoy moments like this" you could feel him smile as he gave you a small squeeze. "Hey, I wanna give you something" you sit up surprised at his sudden burst of energy. "What?" You chuckled tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. You set your cup down pulling the blankets further up on your legs. You watch as he endlessly searches through his pockets finally pulling out a small box wrapped in a red bow. "Merry Christmas" he smiles handing it to you. "You shouldn't have" you say taking it as guilt washes over you. "Yes, I did" he pulls you in kissing the top of your head, reassuring you it's fine. You pull the long red bow as it unravels falling to your lap. You hesitate to open it as the realisation keeps popping in your head that you lacked a gift for him. You finally push the top off gasping at the site of a beautiful diamond ring. "Nathan" you say looking up at him. He takes the ring out of its place smiling down at it. "(Y/N) I've been through so much with you. Not only are you the best girlfriend ever but you're also my best friend. You've stuck with me through all of my hard times and I plan to do the same with you" he takes a deep breath gently taking your hand. "Will you marry me?" Your heart skips a beat as you let those four simple, but powerful words sink in. You hold back the flood of emotions as you nod your head yes finally getting the word out. His warm hands hold yours tightly before he slips the ring onto your finger. "I love you" he kisses you gently. You smile into the kiss as you wrap your arms around him. "I love you too" you whisper squeezing your eyes shut as you let yourself fall into his arms. "I'm sorry I didn't get you anything" you say sitting up straight again. "(Y/N), your love is the greatest gift any man could have".

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