Max Imagine

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Max imagine: What are you doing?" You laugh as you see max climb up a tree next to you. He drops his shirt down and it lands on your lap. "Max seriously" you laugh looking up at him. He walks to the edge of the branch that hangs slightly of the water and he drops the rope in front of you. "You're insane" you tell taking hold of it. "Am, am I really" he winks and jumps into the water. You shake your head smiling and swing off the rope into the water. You come up and look around. "Max?" You say scanning the surface. You feel something touch your feet and max pops up next to you. "Jesus!" You yell jumping. You feel his fingers skim the edge of your bikini around your waist. You smile and wrap your arms around his neck. "He bites your ear gently and you laugh. "What are you a shark?" You look at him. "Yup and I just caught myself the greatest catch of all. He kisses you and quickly winks under the water. You look around waiting for him to pop back up.

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