Nathan Imagine

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Nathan imagine: "I'm burning on the back street, stuck here sitting in the back seat" you start rapping with Nathan's hat on your head. You pick up your brush and use it as a mic jumping around on your bed. "What in gods name?" Nathan laughs standing in the entrance way of your room. "Um" you pause dropping to the floor and looking at him. He looks down at the brush in your hand as you start brushing the end of your hair. "I was just brushing my hair you know, trying to look good" you casually say as you toss the brush on your bed. "That's a pretty interesting way of brushing your hair" he chuckled well putting quotations around "brushing your hair". "You know it's my morning thing" you smile at him. "We'll that's cute" he laughs wrapping his arms around your waist. "Oh really" you smile wrapping your arms around his neck. "And may I say you're looking rather beautiful in my hat" he laughs taking it off your head and setting it on his. "Yeah" you laugh. "I've got something for you" he smiles and sits on the edge of your bed. "What?" You ask jumping next to him. "Hold on hold on" he laughs pulling a box out if his bag. "Remember at the fair when we saw the girl with that cool sweatshirt you liked?" He said smiling. "Yeah" you laugh practically jumping up and down from excitement. "Well" he pauses and hands you the box. You open it up and pull out a sweater that says (y/n) and Nathan and the date you got together on it. "Aw Nath, I love it" you smile slipping it over your head. "Thats good, cause I got the hat for me" he laughs putting it on. You smile and fix it on his head. He looks down at you and you look at him. "What?" You laugh. "Nothing, you just look" he paused. "Look what Nath?" You laugh. "Perfect" he smiles and kisses you. You take the hat off of his head and place it on yours. "Nice" he laughs. You click play on your iPod and crap the hair brush jumping on your bed. "Very cute, come on give it back" he laughs climbing up to meet you. "Gonna have to get it first" you smirk jumping off the bed and running down the hall. "You asked for it" Nathan playfully shouts at you as he chases you around.

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