Tom Imagine

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Tom Imagine:

You walked along the beach listening to the waves as the gently crashed against the shore. You let the warm sand sink between your toes with every step. You'd occasionally glance up at Tom threw squinted eyes. "Isn't it beautiful?" You smile out at the distance. The sun slowing setting as it painted the sky a bright pink. "Yeah" he replied back. You look up to see him smiling down at you. "I was talking about the view" you laugh taking a seat on your towels. He joins he laughing a little. "I know, but you're better" he leans over you a little as you let yourself fall back. "You know you're such a cheeky bastard" you laugh as he kisses your lips gently. "Nah, I've heard I'm a bad boy" he smiled. "Bad boy? Of what?!" You laugh nudging him playfully. He laughed laying back. You feel his hand find yours as he griped it. "Do you want something for dinner?" He asked still looking up at the sky. "What do you want?" You smiled over at him. You knew he would get a little frustrated when you answered a question with a question. "Well I suppose we could skip dinner and go for desert" he shrugged. He leans over kissing you as you smile into the kiss. You laughing pushing him off of you as you begin to run towards the water. You could feel him chasing you. You crash into the waves as cold water splashes your legs. It isn't long till warm arms wrap themselves around your waist. You smile as he turns you around. You look into each other's eyes as he sets his hand on your cheek. You close your eyes leaning your head into his hand. He pulls you up as you wrap your legs around his waist. Before you know it, tingles are running down your spin as he kisses you. You pull away setting your forehead against his. "I wish this moment could last forever" you smile looking up into his sparkling brown eyes. "But sense it can't, let's make it be remembered" he smiles kissing your nose.

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