Nathan Imagine

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Nathan imagine: "Nathan, I know you just got back from tour but can you please not leave your hats all over the couch" you yell. You start picking them up and place them back in his bag. You feel a pair of hands cover your eyes. "What in gods name are you doing?" You sigh dropping his bag on the floor. "Oh lightening up" he chuckles. "Look if this is another one of your pranks I swear" he cuts you off pushing you to walk. "You're extremely pushing" you cross your arms in protest as you walk. "Ok keep you eyes closed" he says slipping his hands away. "They closed?" He asked. "Yes Nathan they are closed" you slightly laugh. "How many fingers am I holding up?" He asks. "8" you say. "That's right, they aren't closed" you hear him drop his arms to his side. "Nathan you always hold up the number eight" you laugh. "True" he grabs your hand pulling you along. "Ok, open your eyes" you open them and see him smiling all wide. "Happy anniversary" he has this silly little face on. He holds up to you a small little puppy. "Oh my gosh, Nathan! How did you know?" You say taking hold of him. "Your friends told me you mentioned you wanted a puppy so" he shrugged smiling. You look down at the puppies neck seeing a necklace. "Aw Nathan," he slips it off and places it around your neck. "It's perfect." You pull him into a hug. "i love you" he says as he kisses you. You feel the puppy start kissing your chin as well. "Apparently he does to" Nathan laughs scratching his head. 

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