Nathan Imagine

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Nathan Imagine:

You gently placed your head on Nathan's chest as he pulled the blankets up. Your eyes are barley staying open but you manage. You listen closely to his heart beat and his deep voice as he hums. Your eyes close, they won't open but you can still hear him. "you awake?" You hear him say softly. You're to tired to respond. "guess not, sweet dreams love" he kisses you gently on the head and pushes your hair back. You wake up the next morning and pull your phone out. You noticed Nathan tagged you in a tweet so you check it out. "I don't know what I would do with out her. Love you xx *your twitter name* He said. You scroll down to see a picture he took of you sleeping on his chest. You smile and feel the blood rush to your face. You look over at him sleeping silently.

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