Nathan Imagine

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Nathan imagine: "cheers!" Jay yells prancing around the hotel room. "I can't believe it will be a year sense we have been best friends!" You smile over at Nathan as he takes a sip of his beer. "Yup!" He laughs. "Ok before we die from boredom lets play a game!" Kelsey says taking a seat next to Tom. "Ok what?" Jay said jumping up onto the couch next to you and Nathan. "Um truth or dare!" She says smiling. "Yeah sounds good!" Nareesha cuddles up closer to Siva. "Ok max you first!" Tom says taking a sip of his drink. "Truth or dare?" He asks with a slightly creepy smile. You all look at max waiting for his answer. "Dare!" He says raising his hands as if to say 'what the heck'. "Ok, I dare you to lick the bottom of my shoe!" Tom holds his foot out wiggling it in front of him. "You sick bastard!" Max laughs. "Do it!" Jay yells. "That's nasty!" Nareesha says as you watch max lick the bottom of toms shoe. "Ladies before you kiss max, just take a moment to think where has his mouth been? Tweet!" Jay says clicking the button on his phone. "Ok Nathan your turn!" Max says taking loads of sips trying to wash the taste if rubber and dirt out of his mouth. "Oh great!" Nathan said as he rolled his eyes. "Truth or dare?" He sat there and thought for a moment. "Truth!" He said playing with the bracelets on his wrist. "Oh come on chicken!" You say taunting him. "Fine dare!" max scratches his cheek thinking for a second. "I dare you to kiss (y/n)," max says as he points at you. Your eyes get wide and you look at Nathan. He looks at max and then at you surprised. "What?" You say raising your eyebrows. "It's a dare, he has to do it. I mean I had to lick toms shoe!" He says looking at Tom who was still dying from the date. "Fine!" Nathan says turning around and looking at you. He looks at you as if to ask if it was ok. You bite your lip and nod. He leans in and gently kisses you. You pull apart and hear everyone on the bus making whistling noises. You smile and lean in to kiss him again. He doesn't pull back instead he continues kissing you as well.

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