Nathan Imagine

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Nathan Imagine: Nathan twisted his camera around and clicked start. He started making really weird faces so you dance behind him. He clicks stop and looks at it. "Nice!" He laughs looking at you. "You're welcome" you wink at him throwing yourself on the couch. He takes a seat next to you and you set your legs on his lap. "What do you want to watch?" He asks as he flips through the channels. "Anything, I don't care" you shrug playing with your hair. "You can never give me a clear answer." He smiles. "But that's why you love me" you laugh sitting up and crawling over next to him setting your head on his shoulder. "What about this?" He clicks a movie you have never heard of before. "Sure" he wraps his arm around you. You sit watching the movie becoming bored. Your head slowly slips off his shoulder onto his chest. You don't care though, you're to tired and comfortable to move. Every time he takes a breath your head slips lower down his chest till you're on his stomach. He starts playing with you hair. "She awake?" Tom says laughing. "No. who doesn't love when a girl falls asleep on you?" He let out a little chuckle. 'Who doesn't like it when you fall asleep on a guy?' You think to yourself. "Hey babe?" He whispers and you slowly lift you head up. "Come on" he pics you up in his arms walking to your room slipping you in bed. He gently kisses the top of your forehead whispering I love you as you fall asleep.

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