Nathan Imagine

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Nathan Imagine:  A warm hand traces your arm as you roll over being greeted with beautiful green eyes. His smile so calming. He wraps his arms around you pulling you into his bare chest. His warmth surrounding you. You pull the sheets over your head as he kisses your forehead. You let your hand place it's self on his chest. You can feel his warm breath tickling your neck as he gives you a gentle squeeze. "I love you" he whispers. It feels like something is stabbing your chest as those words sink in. You've never heard someone say that. More like a guy you really cared about. You look up at him smiling. "I love you too" he leans in kissing you. You smile into the kiss as he rolls on top of you. "Not as much as me" he smirks. "Don't even start that, you know I'll win" you laugh as he gently pins your hands down. He leans down setting his forehead on yours. You close your eyes trying to make sure this moment never ended. "I'm sorry" he whispered letting your arms go. "For what?" You ask grabbing his hands sitting up. "For not being there as much as I should be" he grabs your hands playing with your fingers. "You have no control of that. All that matters is you're trying." You wrap your arms around his neck giving him a small hug. "All that matters is that I have you" he laughs a little pushing your hair out if your face. You laugh a little as he pushes you down kissing you. "You want breakfast?" You ask playing with his messy hair. "Nah, I've got you" he smirks at you. "Nathan" you whack him with your pillow jumping out of bed. He grabs your waste pulling you back into his lap. "Let's just stay in bed" he closes his eyes setting his head on your shoulder. "Whatever you like" he set your head on his.

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