Nathan Imagine

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Nathan imagine: "What are we watching?" You ask taking a seat next to Nathan. He wraps his arm around you. "Blade trinity" he takes a piece of popcorn. "Are those vampires?" You ask. "I think so, I guess that's how they dress in daylight" you watch a few heavily dressed army people walk up a mountain. "Or not" he says as you watch the one guy lift his mask up. "Wait yup" you say watching him lift up a hug rock that leads down to an underground walkway. "Wait I thought they would be more swoosh bam down the hole" Nathan said. "Yeah what kind a vampires use ladders?" You ask taking some popcorn from Max. "Classy kind" Nathan chuckles. "Oh there dead" you laugh as a monster comes out and kills them. "Would you two shut up!" Max blurts out. "We'll someone's feisty" you say as he hands the bowl to you. "I'm going to my room to watch this" he walks out raising his hands. "Oh well" you and Nathan both shrug. "And we'll I'm gone, no lovey lovey on the couch, we all have to sit there" Max says popping his head back in. "You and Nathan both raise your hands up shrugging him off. "He said no lovey lovey" you say to Nathan as he kisses your cheek. "I know, this is only lovey" he smiles and kisses you again.

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