Nathan Imagine

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Nathan Imagine: "Bloody hell what's he smell?" Nathan asks as he makes a face. "You just rhymed" you laugh. "I'm painting my nails, if you don't like it, go away" you laugh. "Can I try?" He asks taking a bottle in his hands and looking it. "If you mess them up, I'm gonna kill you" you smile at him. He opens up the jar and paints one of your nails. "Not bad" you laugh as he continues. "Hey Nathan, have you seen my shoes?"Max says as he scans the floor. You look around trying to find it when you feel something on your hand. "Nathan!" You yell turning around. He jumps and looks at you. "Wha'?" He asks. You look down at your hand which has a streak of blue on it. "Oops" he chuckles. "Aw you serious?" You laugh wiping it off. "Hey max, you want your nails done?" Nathan asks. "Don't, he sucks" you home your hand up. "Thanks but I like to keep my hands looking manly." Mac winks and walks out. "Whatever, it's your loss" Nathan laughs and takes a seat. "No, no, no" you say taking the nail polish away from him. "Why not? L he asks laughing. "Because you will make a mess" he crossing his eyes at you and you laugh.

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