Jay Imagine

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Jay imagine: would you rather be trapped in a cage with a man eating lion or be stung by thousands of bees?" You ask jay laying on his chest as he plays with your hair. "Um man eating lion, maybe I can talk him into not eating me!" He shrugs. "Ok?" You laugh. "Ok would you rather be stuck in a room with a murderous clown or be attacked by giant butterflies?" Jay says. "Um you are corrupted." You laugh "but the butterflies!" He smile. Jay plays with your fingers. "I've got another one!" Jay says. "Would you rather be my wife now or never?" He asks still looking up at the ceiling. "What?" You say sitting up looking at him. He pulls out a ring and smiles at you. "Definitely now!" You say smiling and hugging him. You kiss him and let him slip the ring on your finger. "Love you babe!" He says smiling and kissing you.

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