Tom Imagine

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Tom imagine: "you look beautiful" Nareesha says as she sets her hands gently on your shoulders. "Thanks, for being here" you smile up at her. "Anything for you, now we better hurry up before Tom gets to nervous" you both laugh. You take one last look at yourself in the mirror and let go of a breath you didn't realise you were holding in. You get butterflies in your stomach, but the good kind. "You ready?" Your father says as he links arms with you. "More than I'll ever be" he you take a deep breath and place a smile on your face as the doors open. Your long dress gently flowing behind you as you walk down the aisle. Your father kisses your cheek gently letting you go as you walk over to Tom. "Wow, you look" he pauses with wide eyes looking you up and down. "What?" You say slightly concerned. "Perfect" he smiled. "Tom Parker, do you take Megan to be your wife, to love and hold" he continued. Tom quickly spit out yes the minute he finished. "And do you, Megan take Tom " you zone out lost in toms eyes. You already know what to say and the word yes slips out of your mouth. Tom slips the ring gently on your finger and you do the same to him. "You may now kiss the bride" Tom leans in kissing your lips softly but full of passion. He lifts you up in his arms wrapping his hands around you waist. "I love you" he says resting his forehead against yours. "I love you to"

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