Nathan Imagine

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Nathan imagine: "Here try this" you say holding a spoon out to Nathan. He comes over trying tiger the spoon in his mouth. "What in gods name are you doing?" You laugh still holding the spoon. "My arms are broken" he laughs as he finally gets the spoon. "That's good actually" he smiles. "You're the laziest person I have ever met" you laugh. "I bet my brownies are better Nathan you milkshake" he did a little dance and held the brownie in his hand. You point to you mouth and you Sighs. "My arms are broken to" you laugh and take a bit of the brownie. "Not bad" you smile. "Still not as good as my milkshake" you smile and dip you finger in it leaving a dot on Nathan's nose. "Really" he laughs. "Really" you smile at him. He pulls you in and kisses you. You feel his hand quickly swipe across your face and you pull back as he laughs. "I guess I deserved that" you say wiping the brownie mix off your face. "Come here" you motion him towards you and you clean his nose off. He picks you up in his arms and spins you around in a circle. "Why are so beautiful, even when you miss a spot of brownie on your face you're still perfect" he chuckles and cleans it off.

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