Nathan Imagine

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Nathan Imagine: "ok if you could do one thing right now what would it be?" You asked as Nathan tried to catch the popcorn you threw at him. "um, id tell you I love your smile." You laugh. "And then id tell you your aim sucks!" He said taking the bowl and looking at you. "Your turn!" He threw a piece of popcorn at you. "If you could chose between skydiving or going on the worlds largest roller coaster which one would you chose!" You said trying to catch a piece of popcorn. "Neither!" He laughed. "Come on you have to chose something!" he thought for a second. "Well roller coaster then!" You take the bowl from him. "You have horrible aim most of its in my shirt!" You stand up and shake your shirt out. "Who said I was aiming for you mouth!" he winks up at you. "You cheeky little bastard!" He smiles and you sit on his lap, He kisses you. "But you love me anyways." you both laugh. "Yes, I do!" You kiss him again.

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