Jay Imagine

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Jay imagine: You scan the crowd as you take a seat. You kept praying you would see a familiar face and not have to suffer through the two hour show alone. You see someone take a seat on the other side of the theatre. He had a Santa hat on and in a way looked really familiar. You sighed waiting for the show to be over. Every now and then you would casually shoot a glance in his direction. There was something about him that just sparked some kind a memory. You wanted to walk right up to him but you couldn't force yourself to have the courage to do so. Finally the show ends and you follow the line. This is it, that small amount of courage. You weren't sure if you knew him or not but you were so sure you did. You finally pushed though the crowd thanking god he hadn't left yet. Instead he was talking to a group of people. "Jay!" You yell out. He turns around and right then in there, from the look in his blue eyes you knew it was him. "Here!" You wave frantically. "Oh hey!" He let's out in a yell as his expression brightens.The way he said it so loudly kind a scared you but it made you happy. It kind a gave you joy knowing he didn't forget you and was actually happy to see you. The crowd began to push and that small amount of courage you had drained. You followed the crowd wanting to turn back but you didn't. You stood outside catching some fresh air hoping he didn't leave yet. "Hey, we're did you go?" His voice blurts out causing you to jump. "Oh hey" you smile tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. "I was gonna come talk to you and then you disappeared" he laughed pulling his jacket in more. The first time you met Jay was at camp. You guys tended to stay in contact on and off for years. "Last time I saw you, you had straight hair" you laugh. "Last time I saw you, you were a little shorter" he smirked. "Sorry I disappeared in there" you say feeling guilty. "I kind a had a panic attack and then I got pushed through the crowd and yeah" you say becoming read at how much you kept talking. "I'm still weird" you laugh. "It's okay, embrace it. I like that about you" he smiled. "Look I've got to go but maybe next time you won't run away and we could actually talk" he smiled. "Yeah I'd like that, a lot" you smile back nodding your head. "Great" he leans in kissing your cheek. You let your hand sit there as you watch him walk off.  

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