Nathan Imagine

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Nathan imagine: "what even?" You yell at the tv. "that's a foul!" Nathan yells along with you. "In your faces!" Max says jumping up and down. you both shoot him a dirty look. "Oh don't worry you're only winning by one point, we can easily catch up to you!" You blurt out. "I'd like to see you try!" Max says smirking at you. "Oh hold me back!" Nathan grabs your waist! "Not yet!" He laughs. You throw a pillow at Max's head. He laughs and sticks his tongue out at you. "You know what I love more than football, tea, and onesies?" He says sitting on the couch next to you. "What?" you ask. "How riled up you get during a game, your smile! Your eyes and just you!" he says holding your hand. He leans in and kisses you. "SCORE, WHAT?" You hear max yell. "Ha sucker, we won in your face!!" You say standing up and dancing around the room. Nathan stands up and starts dancing with you. "You know you would think with two dancers one could distract the others horrible moves but no.." Jay says. You and Nathan stop and look at him. "We win" you both shout and you jump into Nathan's arms.

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