Chapter 2 - More Cupid

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Hello again it's me Cupid. Um, so I know some of you may be wondering if I've ever fallen in love, to answer that, no. It may seem like I have, but it's all part of my act to get the things I want how do you think I got you guys? A little of this and that and I managed to convince my fair lady Life to let me have you all as my toys and of course, I received a black eye from Death-who I might say is a clingy asshole, but he still ended up getting his dearest life back in the end so don't think I'm the kind of person who steals peoples, girlfriend/boyfriend okay? Plus he wouldn't even be in love if it weren't for me! The least he could do is be grateful-anyways I'm getting off-topic, I do not fall in love. End of story.

I know what you might be thinking, "You can get anyone why would you not use that to its extent?" THAT'S THE PROBLEM, I can get anyone I want, it's boring not trying. I am a fan of movie-like love, the ones where they face obstacles, I love regular love but I can't have that because if I were to make someone fall in love with me it would be too strong to the point that I would be inhaling so much pollen from all the flowers I get from them. Of course, I love tragedy love too, the sound of their shattering hearts is the reason I wake up in the mornings, call me cruel, I don't care, I love it and if I were in love with someone, I would break their heart at the most random times that it would piss you off so much! Remember this.

So that's all for today, I just thought I had to clear all of that for you guys maybe next time I'll take you all to work with me. Oh, how exciting Daddy Cupid is gonna take you to work with him! See ya!

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