Chapter 20 - You're not good enough

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I woke up to an alarm going off like crazy and checked the time.

3:45 pm.

I got up in a hurry and dressed.

I walked into the bathroom and just used the mouthwash since I didn't have time to brush my teeth.

"I'M FUCKING LATE!" I yelled as I walked downstairs and got my shoes.

"Shutthefuckupimtryingtosleepasshole," Cupid mumbled as he covered his head with a pillow.

I grabbed my book bag, keys, and phone.

"Don't leave the door unlocked when you leave!" I yelled to Cupid hoping he heard me.


"You look like shit Dylan."

"Thanks for stating the obvious Rose," I said, putting my head down on the table of the fast food place.

Rachel dragged me here even though she didn't have my consent, she thought it would be nice to go out and eat since we haven't done that in a while.

"What's up with him?" Rachel asked, placing a tray of food in front of us.

"He's sleep-deprived apparently," Rose answered, taking a fry from the tray.

"Why? Was Eric keeping you up late?" Rachel wiggled her eyebrows at me.

I blushed at what she was hinting at.

"No way in hell, I just thought it would be nice to go for a lovely walk at like 11 pm," I took a burger from the tray and unwrapped it.

"What kind of idiot does that?" Rose questioned.

"Our idiot," Rachel laughed.


It was around 7 pm when I got out of work and I was really sleepy by now so I stopped by the coffee shop me and Cupid had gone to yesterday.

I got a hot coffee since it was cold outside, took out my laptop, and began working on homework.


I was done with my schoolwork and was packing up when someone tapped me on the shoulder.

I turned around and saw that one girl from before.

"Hey! You're that one guy who was hanging out with the cute guy yesterday right?"

So I'm just that 'one guy' to people?

"Uh...yeah, can I help you?"

"That would be great!" She said, grabbing my arm and dragging me out of the coffee shop barely managing to grab a hold of my stuff.

First off, I hate it when people I don't know touch me without permission, and secondly, I don't like this girl, call me a jerk I don't care.

Once we were outside I began walking home trying to leave her and not deal with this shit.

"Hey! Where are you going?!" She ran up to me.


"So you're not going to help me?!" She had this offended look on her face that just pissed me off even more, like why should I help her?

I sighed.

"What? What do you need help with?!" I made sure she heard the irritation in my voice.

"Well, can you just like, tell that hot guy to text me or something?" She sassed.

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