Chapter 76 - Her

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Once upon a time, there was a god. He was like any other god. He had a wife, kids, and god helpers. Everything was peaceful in his land, until one day when he got a new god helper. She was beautiful, her long blonde hair cascaded down to her hips, and she wore a confident grin on her face. At that moment when the God had seen her, he knew he had to make her his. He was willing to lose everything just to have her and that is when things began to go wrong.

Like he planned he managed to catch her eye, this woman was not one to fall easily so he had to work hard. She knew that he was married and she was aware that Gods and god helpers could not be together no matter what, it was written in the book of rules. Even though they both knew that nothing was able to stop the affection they felt toward each other, so they took the risk.

Years passed by and they were happy, the God's wife hadn't found out about the affair and the kids hadn't either, everything was going well and no one had suspected anything, until one dreadful night.

The God's wife, a Goddess herself, had woken up to her husband missing from her side. This had never happened before so it was odd. She got out of bed and began to search for him in their mansion. She searched for a while until she came across an old and vacant room that had long been unused. Voices could be heard from the inside, hushed and in a panic.

"What are we going to do?! We can't hide this anymore!" A female voice hissed.

"Maybe we can still hide it, I'm sure it won't resemble me much," another voice, this time male, answered.

"What if your wife finds out?! I knew this was a mistake, I should have never fallen for you! We're bound to get in trouble!" The woman behind the door cried.

"Stay calm Cecilia, no one will find out," the man said in a gentle voice.

At that moment, the Goddess knew who they were. Her husband was cheating on her, all these years together and the only thing to break their love apart was a lowly God helper.

She pushed the door open, hatred in her eyes, and immediately yelled at her husband and then at the woman. She yelled so much that it woke up her kids, the other god helpers, and others near the area. At this point, everyone became aware of the situation. The God was in a room with his angry wife and a visibly pregnant woman. There was nothing to hide anymore.

The next day the Council was involved and a punishment was decided. Rule number 3 had been violated.

For the next few months, the God helper was to stay incarcerated until she gave birth to the child in her belly. When the day came they were immediately separated and the woman was sent to the execution room. The punishment stated that while the woman was pregnant she would stay alive, and once she gave birth, she would be removed from existence forever for offending a Goddess and for getting involved with a God. And that day came sooner than expected.

She had given birth to a beautiful baby girl who she named Melody. Though the meet was short, the woman knew she didn't want her child to suffer, she hated the time when she was pregnant, but the moment she saw the child she fell in love with it. In her last moments, she made one last wish, for her child to be given at least one chance in their world. Beings who are born from powerful Gods and God helpers that have no power at all are often outcasted or even killed in this world and she just hoped that her kid would be able to break that norm and prove that she was just as capable as everyone else who surrounded her, that she was worth the life that was given to her regardless of what everyone said.


As the years passed the child grew, she had no real parents, but a woman who used to know her mother was kind enough to raise her even if it meant being treated differently.

Melody grew up in a difficult environment and unlike the other kids that surrounded her, she struggled to find a God who would hire her. Everyone believed that she would follow in the same footsteps as her mother.

One day, she was sitting in a garden she had come across picking the petals off every of flower she came into contact with. She hated pretty things because they were dangerous. She knew that because her mother was a pretty thing and ended up creating chaos. She thought about her reckless mother as she tore off the life of a flower angrily.

"But why is your Mother the one you hate so much?" A voice asked from behind, startling her.

"Wha—Who are you?! Stay away!" She glared at the beautiful woman worried she would start trouble like her mother did.

"I'm not here to hurt you, I'm just here to ask you a simple question," the woman spoke in a gentle manner that managed to calm Melody down.

"Fine, spit it out," Melody crossed her arms.

"Why is it your mother that you hate?" She repeated.

"Because she caused trouble, she messed with a God and offended a Goddess costing her her stupid life!" Melody screamed.

"So you hate her for falling in love? You hate her for something she couldn't control?" the woman raised her eyebrow.

"Exactly!...Wait, no! She could have kept it to herself! She didn't have to get involved with that God!"

"But the God was also in love with her, in fact, he was the one who asked her to be with him, he pursued her," the woman explained.

"How do you know that?" Melody shot her a suspicious glare.

"Because I am the one who gave them those emotions," she admitted.

Melody gasped, "So it was your fault!"

"No, no, no, I can't choose who falls in love, it just happens and I'm the one who has to help them out."

"Then why? Why did my mother have to die? If no one chose, then why must there be punishment?!" The young girl sobbed.

"Because they are rules written down by the higher-ups dear, they don't realize the flaws in their own laws." she hugged the girl, feeling sorry for her since she was only around her teens and suffering the loss of her mother.

"Well, they are all stupid! Because of them, I can't even get hired! No one wants a lowly helper like me, they all think I'm evil," Melody cried harder.

"If it's a job you want, then I'll hire you," the woman told her.

"What?" Melody pulled out of the hug, "Why?"

"Because I don't agree with the law as well, I think it is stupid and I also think everyone should have a chance to work."

"Do you mean that?" Melody shot her a hopeful look.

"Yes, you are now hired, my name is Aphrodite, you will work for my son Eros," the Goddess Aphrodite declared.

Once that was established, the rest would fall into place.

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