Chapter 60 - Fun at the fair!

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I don't know when the kiss started getting heated but it did. It was like we finally confronted this tension between us—well, I mean I felt a tension, I'm not sure about him.

"C—Cupid there's...people..." Dylan tried to say between the kisses.

I teleported us into a "horror" house I saw when we walked into the fair. It was actually quite big and had many areas to go to.

"Wow, smart, no one will ever see us here," Dylan sarcastically said, once we were in the house.

"Don't worry this isn't our destination," I said dragging him into a staff room.

"We can't go in here!" He hissed.

"Why not? It's not in use," I shrugged closing the door and locking it.

"I bet there are cameras here, let's just go," he kept trying to find an excuse to leave.

I looked around and saw no cameras, but what I did see were screens of things cameras captured of the horror house, there was also a chair, but it didn't seem like anyone had been in here for a long while...I think.

"There are no cameras here," I retorted.

Dylan began walking to the door, "Well the staff mi—"

"Why are you in such a rush to leave?" I put my hand on the wall next to his face and leaned in, "Do you not like me anymore?"

"Wh—What are you saying? I do like you...I just..I—"

"Then why have you been avoiding moments like these? I've been trying to kiss you for the past two weeks and you've been finding a way to avoid it every time," I explained.

"But we literally just kissed a couple of minutes ago..."

"Yeah, after two long weeks, I was lucky enough to have that moment," I sighed as I hugged him and rested my head on his shoulder. "You don't know how badly I want to do these things with you and you just push me away."

He didn't respond for a while which made me pick up my head from his shoulder and look at him.

His face was super red. I tried so hard not to laugh at his reaction.

"Want me to get you a cold drink to cool your face down?" I joked.

"I—you—It's not funny!" He covered his face with his hands.

"Yes it is, you're cute when you're shy," I remarked, hugging him again.

"You are so shameless..." He mumbled still hiding his face.

"It's true though, I want to do many things with you, but of course I need you to also want to do those things as well," I clarified. " you want to continue what we were doing before coming to the staff room or...?"

He picked his head up and looked me in the eyes intensely.

"What's wr—" before I could finish my question he pressed his lips against mine for about six seconds then pulled away.

"Y—" He started but I wasn't about to let the moment ruin so I crashed my lips against his feverishly.

He kissed back with just as much energy putting his hands around my neck to deepen the kiss. I pushed him against the wall wanting to be as close to him as possible enjoying the little space between us if there even was any. He slightly opened his mouth giving me access to explore it freely with my tongue. Maybe it was the small room or him being really cooperative, but I couldn't get enough of him, just as my hands were about to make their way under his shirt there was a noise coming from the door handle.

I was going to stop the kiss so that we could teleport home, but Dylan still had a strong grip on me ignoring the fact that someone was trying to enter the staff room.

Why is it that he always wants to get in the mood at the wrong time?

"Hello? Is anyone in there? John?" A lady's voice from outside yelled while knocking on the door.

I tried to part from the kiss, but Dylan pulled me back into it.

So it's okay when he does it but not me? How unfair.

Since Dylan wasn't helping and some lady was trying to come in, I had to muster up the power to teleport us both to his room without any complications and while still making out with him since he didn't like it when I tried to pull away from the kiss.


Surprisingly we teleported right onto his bed perfectly. We were still making out, I was on top of him while he was under me with his arms still wrapped around my neck.

He's really into it today...I'm not complaining though, it's like a dream come true.

After some time we had to part from the kiss, mostly because he needed some air.

"Eager are we?" I breathed out after parting.

"Just be glad you look really attractive today," he panted.

"Of course I—" he cut me off with a quick kiss.

"Don't ruin the moment with your narcissistic remarks," he mumbled after pulling away from me completely.

I looked down at him enjoying the view, "Fine, but I'll have you know that I've waited too long for this moment so you can't back out now."

"Fine with me, so what are you going to do?" He raised an eyebrow as if daring me to continue.

I leaned in and whispered, "You'll see," before going back to hungrily kissing him.

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